Christmas Presents for Best Friends – Best Friend Christmas Gift Ideas



With the arrival of winter, Christmas is just around the corner! And we do have to admit that it’s never too early to prepare for this special holiday! Christmas is one of the best times to spend time with your loved ones, with your family and friends. It’s also a great time to express how much you treasure your loved ones, by presenting them with fabulous Christmas gifts! Maybe you can try making a handmade present! If you have run out of time, or have no ideas what to get for your best friend, take a look through our best friend Christmas gift ideas. We have collected 30 Christmas presents for best friends, so you will be sure to find some inspiration!


1. A Customised Pillow – Best Friend Christmas Gift Ideas

Express how much you love your best friend this Christmas! There are so many incredible ways of doing this. Just one of these is by designing and creating a pillowcase which says this exactly! You can have a message printed on your pillowcase for your best friend which says something personal, yet funny! For example, “we will always be best friends. Because you know too much!” This will definitely give your friend a good laugh. This is a great sort of Christmas present!

2. A Beautiful Christmas Tree Ornament – Inspired by Friends

Did you and your best friend ever binge-watch the hit TV series Friends? If both of you absolutely love this TV show, then make sure to use it as inspiration for their present! Since we are talking about giving Christmas presents, why not present your bestie with a gift which has complete Christmas vibes? A great example of this is giving someone a Christmas tree ornament which you design and decorate yourself! Use the Friends quote “I’ll be there for you” and write it up on the homemade Christmas ornament.

3. A Personalised Candle – Christmas Presents for Best Friends

Here is an awesome DIY present you can surprise your bestie with for Christmas! This is no other than a candle that has a photo of the two of you printed on it. It’s personal and cute! As we have mentioned before, candles are great gifts to give, as they bring a sense of relaxation with themselves when they are lit. Everyone loves them and they create a beautiful ambience in any room in where they are lit! So why not give this handmade gift a try this year and present your bestie with it?

4. A Wooden Block – With a Few Photos of You

Create a personal gift for your bestie for Christmas! After all, Christmas is all about sending everyone around you love and happiness! A great present idea is to create a wooden block for them. It’s just a decor block which your best friend can use as an ornament in their room, reminding them of you! Place pictures and memories of the two of you on the sides of the block and write a quote on one of the sides. This is a personal present, making it perfect for Christmas!

5. A Few Memories – Christmas Gifts for Friends

Make your best friend’s day truly special with this idea! Stick a photo in the middle of a sheet of paper. Write a long and heartfelt message around the photo, you can write down your favourite messages or the reasons you love your best friend so much, this one’s up to you! Then place this sheet of paper and photo in a frame. While this is a simple and easy gift to put together, it has a lot of sentimental and personal value.

6. A Heartfelt Quote – Create a Painting

If you are a creative and artistic person, why not create some sort of art for your best friend? Paint something small for them on a canvas. This can be a heart, a flower or anything that links the two of you together. Then write a quote next to this painting. The quote can be about friendship, a memory of fun and exciting times or anything personal! These sorts of handmade presents make the perfect gifts for Christmas, as they show you put actual time and effort into making special Christmas gifts for friends!

7. Easy DIY Socks – Things to Get Your Best Friend for Christmas

Create some cute socks which have funny messages on their soles as Christmas presents for friends! Get a load of colourful and vibrant socks, in your best friend’s favourite colours. Then use fabric paint to write messages on each sock. These can be inside jokes or even funny commands for anyone who bothers the read the messages on the socks. This can be something like “if you can read this, bring me tacos!” Of course, the messages on the socks are completely up to you and your creativity! Make sure to get your friend warm socks for the winter season!

8. Where it all Began – A Special Location

When you and your best friend talk about memories and go down nostalgia lane, you will probably have a lot of funny and exciting memories! After all, they are your best friend for a reason! If you go way back into the past, you will remember where your friendship all began! This will mark a special location which you will hold dear to your heart! Cut out the location from a map and place it in a frame. Write above it “this is where it all began,” expressing how your friendship!

9. A Punch Box – An Exciting Idea

If you love giving letters to each other with your best friend, then this idea will make the perfect Christmas presents for friends! A punch box! Create a box, with one side made out of thin paper. Your friend will have to punch through the paper side to receive their Christmas gift! You can place a bundle of letters in each small box, but naturally, the present is up to you on what you decide to give your best friend. You can place anything you’d like in the punch box!

10. A Jar of Happy Pills – Best Friend Christmas Gift Ideas

Everyone has days when they are feeling under the weather and feeling sad. That’s completely natural! The point is to always cheer up the other person when are having a bad day. Put together one or two jars for your best friend, filling both with their favourite candy or chocolate. Attach labels to the jars, which read “happy pills.” Whenever your friend is feeling a bit down, they will just have to take out one or two chocolates and eat away! This will make a lovely present, which lasts longer than just Christmas!

11. It Makes Sense – Great Christmas Presents for Best Friends

Does being around your best friend make perfect sense? Use this idiom as inspiration and wordplay for your Christmas presents! Create a gift for each of the senses, smell, sound, taste, touch and sight. Wrap each one up individually with some Christmas gift wrapping ideas. This cute wordplay on making sense and the five senses will definitely put a smile on your best friend’s face. You can try getting them presents which are connected to the senses as well. For example, a perfume for smell and a bar of chocolate for taste.

12. A Definition of Friendship – Personal and Unique

If you and your best friend love playing Scrabble, use that as some sort of inspiration for their Christmas present! Create art in a frame which also bears the meaning of friendship. Use Scrabble letters to spell out “friends” or “friendship vertically. Then simply write a word beginning with each letter horizontally, next to them. For example, “f” can be for “fight for each other” and “r” can be “respect each other.” Make sure you add personal characteristics of your friendship to this design. Your bestie will be able to use this as decor!

13. A Collection of Memories – A Plentitude of Polaroids

You and your best friends will have a tonne of memories connected to each other! If you ever took photos or polaroids of fun events you were at when you were having a blast, use them for your Christmas present! Attach a whole collection of beautiful and heartwarming memories to a wooden board. You can write the word “friends” above it, for that special effect.

14. A Survival Kit – Random Items

Create a unique and cute survival kit for your friends! Place a whole set of random items in a small paper box, writing up what they will need them for. For example, get them an eraser as well “to start over with a clean slate.” Or a candle “a reminder to share your light with others.” This will make a cute and thoughtful Christmas gift for them!

15. A Big Heart – Christmas Presents for Best Friends

Create a cute looking source of decor for your best friend for Christmas! Use a mason jar for this craft. First of all, write a message on it. You can use a sharpie for this. Then place a flameless candle or a string of fairy lights inside. This will produce beautiful light and will provide a relaxing atmosphere. They may even decide to use it as a Christmas table centrepiece!

16. One Year Together – One Year of Friendship

Another great gift idea is no other than a journal! You can decorate the cover of the journal yourself, with a few personal messages on it or a summary of the time period that your friendship has lasted. Just check out the picture above as a great example!

17. A Crate of Beer – For the Beer-Lovers

If your best friend loves to drink beer, then why not get her a crate of it? You can decorate them and use some sort of Christmas imagery as inspiration! For example, create reindeers out of your beers! You will have to attach antlers to each one, in the form of fuzzy wires. You should also glue googly eyes on the bottles as well as small red pompoms for the noses. This will look super cute and will be perfect for Christmas!

18. Sack of Coal – Best Friend Christmas Gift Ideas

Here are simple but amazing best friend Christmas gifts! It’s all about sending positive thoughts their way! Gather pebbles and paint them coal black. Then write positive thoughts and messages on each one! This way they will get a sack of coal, filled with optimism!

19. An Adorable Oven Mitt – For the Cooks

If your best friend loves to cook and bake, why not get them an oven mitten, which will encourage them to cook? You can write a lovely message for your best friend on the front of the mitten. You will need fabric paint for this!

20. A Tonne of Reasons – Christmas Presents for Best Friends

There is nothing better than a personal gift for Christmas! Attach a label to a jar, which reads “all the reasons I love you.” All you will have to do is fill up the jar with small slips of paper. On each small slip, write down one reason why you love them and are thankful for their being in your life!

21. A Beer Bag – With Pockets

If your bestie loves a good share of beer, why not get them a beer bag? They will be able to wear this whenever you go out for a few drinks. You can create several pockets on the bag, making them able to carry their beers around without any trouble!

22. A Funny Message – Have a Good Laugh

Create a small piece of decor for your best friend for Christmas! This one will definitely make them laugh! Make a small sign for them that says “without “me”, you’re just “aweso.” These will make perfect best friend Christmas gift ideas!

23. Working Out – Best Friend Christmas Gifts

Here are other fun things to get your best friend for Christmas. This is another beer idea! Create a weight for them, which is in fact filled with beer! Attach a funny label to it which reads “Yes, I do workout… Lifting beer.”

24. Slices of PIzza – Cute Necklace Ideas

Get you and your bestie, including your group of friend matching necklaces! For example, if all of you love pizza, get matching pizza necklaces! Each slice of pizza should be on one necklace. So when all the pieces are together you get a whole pizza!

25. Zip Tie It – Funny Best Friend Christmas Gift Ideas

Do you and your best friend constantly tease each other? If so, get them a present which expresses this trait! For example, get whatever you’d like for your bestie for the winter holiday, but make sure to wrap it in a creative and funny way! Place zip ties all over the present, making it extremely hard for them to open. This will be a perfect prank for them as Christmas presents for best friends!


We hope that this pick of Christmas presents for best friends assisted you in finding something great! Check out our other Christmas ideas, besides best friend Christmas gift ideas, like DIY Christmas gifts for boyfriends or Christmas card ideas.

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