Garden Decorations for Spring – 20 Spring Outdoor Decorations



The arrival of spring brings a sense of renewal and new beginnings with itself. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing and the trees are blossoming. Everything and everyone has shed their winter coats and are ready to let spring in! If you’d like to feel this same sense of rebirth and awakening at home, make sure you spruce up your home with some fabulous decor and a collection of spring ideas! If you’re planning on decorating your home, make sure you don’t forget the spring outdoor decorations either! We’ve gathered 20 fabulous garden decorations for spring so you can bring a bit of springtime to your yard as well!


1. A Welcoming Fence – Garden Decorations for Spring

Spring is a great time for hosting garden parties with your close group of friends or if you’re going to have some workmates around. Make sure they feel welcome in your home, and what better way is there to achieve that than to put a welcome sign somewhere in your garden. Make this out of an old fence, place plastic or wooden painted flowers on the boards of the fence like in the picture above. Last but not least, place a welcome board across the fence as well! It will look spectacular!

2. Tiny Homes – For the Birds

If you’re worried that not each bird will be able to make a nest this year, then provide a few birdhouses for them! You can make these by yourself out of old pots and pans or even kettles! Stuff them with a bit of straw for a true nest feeling.

3. A Floral Can – DIY Spring Outdoor Decorations

Spring is a season well known for its abundance of flowers blooming everywhere! Make sure you have some floral spring garden decorations! Instead of buying a new pot for your flowers, recycle something old and make a planter out of that! For example, if you have an old watering can you probably won’t use ever again, place some soil inside and plant some flowers! This will give your garden a rustic springtime vibe!

4. A Bike Full of Flowers – Garden Decorations for Spring

If you have an old bike lying around somewhere at home, why not reimagine it and use it for your spring garden decor? Paint the bike in a lively and vibrant colour, and attach a basket to the front of the bicycle. Plant flowers in the basket. Try choosing flowers which are the same colour as the bike for a fantastic look! This type of decor would also look perfect in your garden for summer!

5. Flower Shower – Great Spring Garden Decor Ideas

Bring an old garden hose to life with this great idea! Wrap a garden hose around a basket of flowers and attach strings of beads coming out from the head. It will look as if the garden hose is spurting water on your flowers all day!

6. Birdbath Idea – Decorating Your Backyard

Make an awesome birdbath for your garden to ensure that a lot of birds will fly in to visit you this springtime! Place pots of flowers on top of each other, then put a bowl which will be your birdbath on the very top.

7. Upside Down Umbrellas – Creative Planter Ideas

There’s a number of unique ways to plant your flowers for this spring, and here’s another creative idea to inspire you! If you have old and broken umbrellas lying around the house, cut them in half and stick them on your fence. Load it with soil, then plant whatever you’d like inside. These spring outdoor decorations will be an awesome addition to your garden, bringing a bit of fun and liveliness to it!

8. Home, Sweet Home – Great Garden Decorations for Spring

Welcome your guests into your house, not with a doormat, but with a small group of pots! Write a word or sentence on each pot with which you’d like to greet your guests! If you’re looking for a few simple words, we recommend painting “home, sweet home” on your pots.

9. Recycle Plastic Bottles – Fantastic Spring Garden Decor Ideas

Perhaps you don’t want to buy a hoard of new pots and planters for this years spring. If you’re still looking forward to planting flowers, why not recycle plastic bottles instead and use those as planters? It’s an environmentally friendly solution for planting flowers! If you want to get truly creative, you can string them up from a ceiling, creating a waterfall effect, just like in the picture above!

10. Desks Full of Flowers – Unique Garden Planters

Make your garden look like an enchanted segment from Alice in Wonderland with this great idea! Use old pieces of furniture, like desks or small wardrobes. Pull out their drawers and after filling them up with soil you can start planting anything you’d like inside of them! Just take a glance at the picture above to see how magical these garden decorations for spring will look!

11. Rustic Flower Pot Holder – Spring Outdoor Decorations

If your preferred style of decor is rustic, then this cute flower pot holder will fit into your garden perfectly! Attach some metal rings to an old wooden board. You will be able to slide some pots in these. Place this board of pot holders next to your garden shed or your house’s wall.

12. Colander Planters – Reimagine and Recycle

Sometimes the best things you can use around in your garden are the things you don’t need anymore in your house. If you have a lot of junk or old objects lying around, feel free to use them as decor! It’s all about reimagining and recycling! Take these vibrant colanders for example! They make perfect planters, and you can hang them from any wall or ceiling!

13. Colourful Cute Mason Jars – Spring Garden Decorations

As we mentioned before, spring is the time of renewal and rebirth, so make sure your garden sends the same message. Decorate it with vibrant bursts of colour, for example, with decorative mason jars! You can place a multitude of flowers inside the jars themselves, and put them in all sorts of places in your garden!

14. Floral Gumboots – Spring Outdoor Decorations

Spring is a season of crazy weather. One day the sun is shining in a surreal way, the other day the rain is pouring and it almost feels like winter will sneak back into our lives! Make sure you’re prepared for the rain and storms with a pair of gumboots! If you had to buy a new pair, make sure you recycle the old one! Use it as a planter or a vase in your garden, put some flowers in it! This will be a funny addition to your garden decorations for spring!

15. Vintage Chair – Garden Planter Idea

Everyone has an old, slightly broken chair that they’ve been wanting to throw out for years. Well, don’t throw it out! Use up only the frame of the chair, inserting a pot into where the seat was. You can even repaint the whole chair for a more colourful, springtime look! This is one of many great garden decorations for spring!

16. Painted Tire Planter – Handmade Spring Outdoor Decorations

We’ve talked about multiple ways of reusing old junk you’ve collected over the years, here’s another idea for recycling something old! An old car tired which has been repainted can be used as a planter! You can hang it from a tree, hide a garden gnome amongst the flowers and it already gives your garden a great springtime look!

17. A Welcome Box – Spring Garden Decorations

Give anyone who steps into your house a warm welcome! Place a box of beautiful spring flowers in front of the house, that has a welcome sign attached to the top of it. This is a cute idea for anyone who is thinking about inviting a lot of people over during spring.

18. Teacup Out of Tires – DIY Crafts for the Garden

Are you a fan of tea-inspired decor? If you have a few tires lying around your garage or shed, why not make a teacup out of them? You can fill it up with soil, after sticking them together and painting them, and use it as a planter! This is the perfect addition to any garden and a unique alternative to standard flower beds!

19. Containers for Flowers – Spring Outdoor Decorations

If you love painting, why not paint your containers in your garden to look like people? It’s a fun and creative idea. According to what colour you paint them, plant the same coloured flowers inside them. You can place umbrellas on the tops of the containers, which will serve as hats for your container people!

20. Wooden Box Planter – Garden Decorations for Spring

Plant your flowers in small wooden boxes! These can be old drawers from a desk or a shelf. You can coat them in vibrant colours, to make them look truly ready for spring! Then place them anywhere in your garden you’d like!


We hope that this small collection of 20 spring outdoor decorations has inspired you on how to dress up your garden for spring! After all, you’d like your garden to look ready for the season with the best garden decorations for spring! For more ideas concerning spring ideas like door decorations or spring nails visit our website!

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