Birthdays are fun celebrations that everyone looks forward to! If it is going to be your girlfriend’s birthday soon, make sure you throw a fantastic party for her. Not to mention find her the perfect birthday gift! We recommend making her a handmade present to buying her something from a shop. Handmade gifts show that you put actual energy, time and thought into creating something special for that specific person. Naturally, any girlfriend will adore a DIY present. We have collected 30 birthday present ideas for girlfriends, to help you out in finding something amazing! So take a look through our pick and find a lovely birthday gift for girlfriend!
1. A Birthday Box – Adorable Birthday Gift for Girlfriend
It might be a bit hard to pick just one thing as a birthday gift for your girlfriend, so why not gather all of your ideas and place them in a box for her! This can include her favourite chocolates, strings of polaroids, a bottle of perfume and a letter. It’s really up to you on what you’d like to give to her. The whole point is to make it special and personal for her. This birthday box will function as a treasure chest for her!
2. Love Coupons – Unique and Creative
Find some thoughtful birthday gifts for girlfriends! Create a set of coupons for your girlfriend’s birthday which she can use at any time she wants! For example, you can write “pizza date” or “free hug” on the small coupons. This is a creative and unique way of celebrating her birthday.
3. Basking in Balloons – Birthday Present Ideas for Girlfriend
Surprise your girlfriend on her birthday with an array of helium-filled balloons floating above her bed! Attach polaroid photos of the two of you to the balloons. Naturally, place some gifts underneath the balloons, as well as a bouquet of flowers. Your girlfriend will have her breath taken away by this!
4. A Trail of Gifts – Birthday Gift for Girlfriend
There are a number of ways in which you can surprise your girlfriend! For example, with a trail of gifts, starting from the front door leading her into the house. This is an amazing way to surprise her on her birthday! Try putting together as many gifts as the age she turned!
5. With Lots of Love – A Beautiful Memory
Create a personal and homemade birthday gift for your girlfriend’s birthday. Find your favourite picture of the two of you and place it in a frame. Then write a message around the photo, tell her why you love her, why you are grateful for her being with you!
6. A Box of Memories – Birthday Present Ideas for Girlfriend
Here is another birthday box idea filled with personal moments and memories! Place your favourite photos of you and your girlfriend in the box, as well as strips of paper. Each strip of paper should have a shared memory written on it, something which you deeply treasure. She will love looking through this birthday present for girlfriends!
7. Open When – A Multitude of Letters
Write a dozen letters for your girlfriend’s birthday! Put each one in an envelope and on the envelope write down, when she is allowed to open the letter. Each letter should be for a specific occasion or an event, or just as a bit of support and positive vibes in her days!
8. The Frame of Polaroids – Good Birthday Gifts for Girlfriend
If you are feeling creative, why not incorporate some of your favourite memories with your girlfriend into her birthday present? Print out photos of the two of you during your favourite moments. Instead of placing them in a frame, string them across the frame, as well as your initials! This is a super personal gift which your girlfriend will love but it would also be a perfect birthday present for a boyfriend!
9. A Message in a Bottle – A Good Wish
Here is a small and adorable way of wishing your girlfriend a happy birthday! Pour some glitter into a tiny bottle, as well as placing a small note inside of it. The note should read “happy birthday dear” or something along the lines of that. You can attach this to her present, sending her all the best wishes for her birthday.
10. Birthday in a Jar – Birthday Present for Girlfriend
Here is a fantastic and cute idea for your girlfriend’s birthday! Put together some of her favourite things in a mason jar. For example, chocolate, candy and candles! You can even bake her a birthday muffin and place it in the jar as well! Naturally, don’t forget to attach a note to the jar, wishing her all the best on her birthday!
11. Paper Cake – Cute Birthday Gift for Girlfriend
Another one of many thoughtful birthday gifts for girlfriends might be a pop-up card. While it looks like a box, you open it and out pops a paper birthday cake and a few messages. This is an awesome way to surprise your girlfriend as well as giving her a birthday cake!
12. Creative Balloons – With a Twist
If you like the idea of giving your girlfriend coupons for her birthday, here’s a fantastic idea. Place an array of balloons in a jar (which aren’t blown up yet). Write a small message on each one, a birthday coupon, which she can use at any time she wants. For example, one night of karaoke and dancing or a romantic dinner. When she wants, she will just hand you the coupon and you will have to take her out!
13. A Felt Cake – Great Birthday Gift Ideas for Girlfriend
Instead of baking your girlfriend an actual cake, why not put one together for her, which will remain with her forever? Using felt and paper, you can easily create a handmade cake for her birthday. You can place a flameless candle on top of the cake as a special effect!
14. Box of Flowers – Romantic Roses
A girl will always be happy if you buy her a bouquet of flowers! Instead of a bouquet though, get her a box of flowers! Place floral foam in the bottom of the box before sticking some roses inside. The floral foam will prevent your flowers from wilting too quickly!
15. Birthday Jar – Sweet Birthday Present Ideas for Girlfriend
Make sure you get your girlfriend some birthday streamers, candles and a birthday hat! This will ensure the true birthday spirit surrounding her! So if you are also planning on hosting a birthday party, these items will be perfect for the celebration!
16. Breakfast in Bed – A Little Treat
Make sure your girlfriend has the best possible start to her birthday! Create a breakfast for her, place it on a tray and take it to her in bed. Eating breakfast in bed is a special treat, perfect for birthdays! Make sure you get all of your girlfriend’s favourite food on the tray!
17. Happy Birthday – Lovely Birthday Gift for Girlfriend
If you like creating things yourself, why not make a bath bomb for your girlfriend? They are simple and easy to make! A bath bomb will provide a beautiful relaxing environment after a stressful day. Bath bombs are a great sort of present, especially if your girlfriend loves to take long baths! They are good birthday gifts for girlfriends!
18. Letters for Each Occasion – Personal and Heartfelt
Everyone has bad days when they’re feeling under the weather. Write your girlfriend notes and letters for each of these days so she can get through them easier! For example, write one for when she has had a terrible day and one for when she can’t sleep. This is an awesome gift because it’s so personal and heart-warming, making it perfect for your girlfriend’s birthday!
19. A Box of Photos – Beautiful Birthday Gifts
Create a small box filled with memories and love for your girlfriend! This is a perfect gift for her birthday, as it is sentimental and romantic. All you need to do is attach strings of photos to the lid of a box. When your girlfriend opens the box, she will be pleasantly surprised by the many photos popping up when she opens it.
20. Butterflies in a Box – Adorable Idea
Here is another birthday box idea! Instead of stringing photos to the lid of the box, create butterflies out of paper and hearts. Attach these to the lid of the box. This is a perfect box for anyone who loves butterflies! Naturally, you can place a gift inside the box.
21. Paper Flowers
Put together a bouquet of flowers for your girlfriend! Create the flowers out of paper, this way they will never wilt! This bouquet of flowers will last a lifetime, making them the perfect flowers for your girlfriend’s birthday!
22. A Secret Message – Blow Up the Balloon
Send your girlfriend a secret message on a balloon! Write a message on a blown-up balloon, then deflate it. Stick it on a card before giving it to her. She will have to blow up the balloon to read the message! This is a creative way of sending her all your best!
23. A Bouquet of Chocolate – Chocolate Over Flowers
If your girlfriend is obsessed with chocolate, make sure she gets her fill with it for her birthday! Instead of giving her a bouquet of flowers, gift her a bouquet of chocolate! Buy all her favourite chocolate bars and candy bars and wrap them up like a bouquet of flowers! If you’d like to decorate the bouquet further, you can attach a few balloons to it, which wish her a happy birthday!
24. A Berry Birthday – Cute Birthday Present Ideas for Girlfriend
There are a few people who adore berry flavours in everything! Whether it’s strawberry, raspberry or a combination of forest fruit, they love the aroma and flavours of it! If your girlfriend loves berries, create a berry themed birthday jar for her. Get her berry flavoured lip balm, berry scented candles and berry coloured accessories. Put this all in a jar and attach a small message on the jar which reads “have a berry happy birthday!”
25. A Sweet Gift – Birthday Gift Ideas for Girlfriend
If you have run out of time to get your girlfriend something big for her birthday, why not present her with her favourite candy? You can attach a small note to the box or pack of candy, which reads “hope your birthday is sweet!” This is a super cute idea which your girlfriend will be sure to love!
26. Reasons of Love – In a Jar
If you’re thinking about giving your girlfriend something more personal for her birthday, you’ll love this idea! Cut out small slips of paper. The point is to write down reasons why you love her, and why you’re grateful for her being in your life. Write up as many reasons as you’d like, then put them in a mason jar!
27. Polaroids in Frame
Here’s another cute polaroid idea! Grab a frame, placing some decorative paper on the back of the frame. Glue polaroids on the frame and also stick on a message or a note! Wish your girlfriend a happy birthday with this personal present!
28. What I Love About You – An Alphabet
When you love someone, there are hundreds of reasons and details which all add up to the feeling. Express how you feel towards your girlfriend by writing her an alphabet, filled with reasons what you love about her! For example, “e” can be for her beautiful eyes and “z” can be for her love of zebras.
29. A Lovely Candle Holder – Create a Romantic Ambience
If your girlfriend loves relaxing in a candlelit environment, why not make her a personalised and unique candle holder? Using a box, cut out shapes on each side and even a message. When she places a candle inside the shapes will light up the room in an amazing way! We recommend cutting some hearts into the box! This will make the perfect bedroom lighting for your girlfriend!
30. A Pillowcase
Give your girlfriend a special pillow to cuddle if you aren’t around! Design it yourself, placing shared memories of the two of you all around it. This is the perfect sort of present for a birthday as it is super personal and intimate!
Hopefully, you were able to find some great birthday present ideas for girlfriend! For more gift ideas besides a birthday gift for girlfriend, like Gift Ideas For Girlfriends or Gift Ideas for Women, visit our website!