
Over the years, it has become a tradition for the happily married couple to give their guests albums or guest books as a gift. This is a fantastic idea, because the newlywed couple will leave the ceremony with an everlasting memory, which they will be able to flip through whenever they feel like it. A wedding guest book doesn’t necessarily have to be the classic album, in which all the guests write a few good wishes to the married couple. There are a lot of creative ideas to make your wedding guest book unique and suited to your big day. If you don’t want a standard guest book you can find some great wedding guest book alternatives in our article. If you don’t know yet, what sort of wedding guest book you would like to present your guests with after the ceremony, then check out these wedding ideas. We are certain, that you will find a design to your liking, amongst the many wedding guest book ideas we have collected below.

1. Polaroid Selfies – Unique Wedding Guest Book

At weddings, it’s become quite popular for guests to get their picture taken with a polaroid camera. This way, the guests can stick their picture in the guest book and write a few loving words to the newlywed couple. This is the sort of wedding guest book that will warm your heart when you look back at it in a few years.

2. In the Form of a Board – Easy and Natural

A wedding guest book does not actually need to come in the shape or form of a book. Take a glance at the picture above, and as you can clearly see, it’s a wooden board. Using a board as a guest book is a great and simple alternative. All you need to do is paint a few things on the board: the married couples’ names and the date of the wedding. After that, it’s completely up to the guests on what sort of funny or loving message they leave you or what sort of cute drawing they scribble. A great way to use this wooden board is to put it up in your shared home, and it will serve as a constant reminder of what a beautiful wedding day you had.

3. A Fenced Frame – Stick in the Notes

The personalized wedding guest book idea seen above is super creative. Your guests can write up their good wishes on small slips of paper, and all they have to do is roll them up and stick them in between the wires. These wedding guest book ideas are also great because everyone’s message remains a secret, and only the married couple will be able to read them.

4. A Puzzle Shaped Guest Book – Great Wedding Guest Book Ideas

Made out of wood, this wedding guest book idea is a great way to get your guests to leave you a cute message and will also be a fun task for you to piece together after the ceremony. If you would like a more personal guest book then this is definitely perfect for you. All you need is blank puzzle pieces that fit together. On these, your guests will be able to send their love and good wishes to you. This wedding guest book will also be a fun activity for you to put together once you have come back from your honeymoon.

5. A Decorative Album – Romantic with Polaroids

If you’re a fan of polaroids in wedding guests books, but you want it to be a bit more special and customized, then look no further! In a book layout some beautifully decorated cards. Your guests will be able to choose which card they want to leave their message on, and they will be able to stick their Polaroid picture in the album as well.

6. Floral and Fantastic – Classic yet Modern

If you would like a more classic version of a wedding guest book, but still want it to look gorgeous and modern, here is a great idea for you. What you need is a print or drawing of a flower, it should have as many petals as the number of guests who are coming to your wedding. Everyone can leave a few words or just write down their names, resulting in a uniquely patterned flower. To make it even more pretty, instead of using a simple blue or black shade, you can leave a wider variety of coloured pens, so your guests can feel free to choose any colour to their liking. The happy couple will be able to place this in a frame and use it as a wall decoration in their home!

7. A Tree Blossoming with Good Wishes – A Truly Unique Wedding Guest Book

Instead of using a classic version of a guest book, place a tree on a table at your wedding reception. The point is that every guest writes their message on a slip of decor and hangs it on the tree. Instead of decorating the tree with leaves, feel free to use any shape you want, for example, hearts are a great choice.

8. Time Capsules – Interesting and Inventive

Time capsules will be an interesting trip down memory lane for wedded couples, especially after many years of marriage. Time capsules are not exactly your standard wedding guest book. They aren’t just reminders of your big day, but messages for your future selves. Your guests can write messages on small pieces of paper and decided on which time capsule to put it in. As you can see in the picture above, you can make a time capsule for one year after getting married and time capsules for several anniversaries. Time capsules will give you an extraordinary feeling when reading the loving messages your guests left for you on your wedding day, especially if you have to wait 25 years to open one for your silver wedding.

9. Post Boxes – Wedding Guest Book Alternatives

If you’re looking for a truly creative idea for a wedding guest book, then try out this post box. It’s one of many great wedding guest book alternatives. Place letters and envelopes next to the post box, this way your guests will be able to write not only a few words but a longer and more personal message. This is an especially great idea for vintage themed weddings.

10. Using Polaroids – Snap, Shake, Stick and Sign

Using a photo album is a great way to have your guests leave you a message, as well as a picture. If you’re thinking about using a photo album as a guest book on your wedding, but you want it to look stylish and different, then this is a great choice. You can write up instructions for your guests on a blackboard about how to take the polaroid and where to place it in the album.

11. Letters Thrown into a Suitcase – Vintage Vibes

This is a super vintage guest book idea. Find an old-fashioned suitcase and next to it place some letters, envelopes, and pens. Your guests can write their message, slip it into an envelope and throw it in the suitcase. It will leave you with a feeling of amazement when you find that the suitcase is full of good wishes.

12. Fingerprints on the Personalized Wedding Guest Book – How to Get Your Guests to Leave Their Mark

Ask your guests to use their fingers to make up the leaves of a tree. All you need is a picture of a stark tree, some colourful ink and a pen. Everyone can dip their fingers in some ink and press them onto the picture, forming the foliage. Naturally, they can write their names underneath. You can put this picture in a frame and decorate your home with it later on.

13. Good Wishes in a Heart – A Creative Wedding Guest Book

A very stylish and elegant wedding guest book. You have to find a large heart made out of wood that has a frame as well. In the middle write up the newly wedded couples’ names and the date of the big day. Around this centrepiece place small hearts, this will be where the guests can write up their names and a message. This guest book can also be used as a form of decoration in the married pair’s home.

14. Inscribed Benches – Unusual, but Beautiful Wedding Guest Book Alternatives

There are a lot of creative ways to replace a standard guest book. A great idea is using a bench. Your guests can etch their names and a kind message to you. This bench can remain with you until the end of your life, you can place it in your garden or on your terrace. A good tip for anyone who likes this idea is that you should varnish the wood after everyone has signed the bench. This way the wood will be better protected and might even decorate your home in your elderly years. This will definitely be something you can tell stories about to your grandchildren. Even though it sounds quite sentimental, let us admit, that this is truly romantic.

15. Get Your Guests to Write you a Bucket List – A Challenge for Everyone

Guest books are a fantastic way for you to remember one of the biggest moments of your life – your wedding day. So creating a bucket list that your guests will write up for you, will make it even more special. Instead of sending a simple message of love and how great they felt at the wedding, they can invent a task for you that you will have to complete during your married years. This can involve travelling, doing a sport together or even just watching a movie together. This is something that is not only funny but romantic as well.

16. Heart Shaped Jigsaw – Wedding Guest Book Alternatives

This idea combines a wedding guest book with a jigsaw. Out of wood create the shape of a heart, that also has a frame and small jigsaw pieces which fit together inside. On the small jigsaw pieces, your guests can write you a message and their best wishes. You can easily order this online, so if you don’t have a lot of time to plan something more extravagant, this is a practical and quick option.

17. A Tree of Love – A Unique Wedding Guest Book Idea

Another great idea is using a large board as your wedding guest book. Cut out the shape of a tree and for tree leaves cut out hearts. Stick these shapes on the board to form a beautiful picture. Your guests will be able to write their names on the hearts.

18. Hot Air Balloon – Up and Away

If you would like a more colourful and fun alternative to a wedding guest book, then you will most definitely like this idea of a hot air balloon. This idea is almost the same as the one above (the heart-shaped board). With the hot air balloon write your names in the basket and the date of your wedding. Fill the balloon up with hearts, so all your guests can sign one. To make it look even better, decorate your guest book’s surroundings with ornaments that help the theme come through and make it stand out. This guestbook is guaranteed to stand out amongst your wedding decoration!

19. Champagne Designs – Fun and Bubbly

One of the most important factors of your wedding will be champagne. Creativity knows no boundaries, so how about you combine champagne with a guest book. Put your picture of a champagne bottle in a frame. Stick on small circles representing the bubbles of the champagne, which your guests will be able to sign or leave a message on. On the bottle write down your names and the date of the ceremony. This will be great decor in your shared home later on.

20. A Typewriter – Old-fashioned Wedding Guest Book Alternatives

If you’re planning on having a vintage styled wedding, then this typewriter is a great alternative to a normal guest book. Place the typewriter on a separate table. If you can find a long sheet of paper, preferably a few meters long, it would be a great way to make sure everyone leaves a message on the same roll. By using a longer piece of paper, you won’t have to worry about constantly placing new sheets in the typewriter. We think these are fantastic wedding guest book alternatives!

21. A Cage Filled with Good Wishes – Unique Wedding Guest Book Ideas


Small birdcages bring a romantic atmosphere to any event and they serve as an exquisite decoration. You can use them as wedding guest book alternatives as well. Place sheets of paper next to it, have your guests write you letters and throw them into the cage.

22. The Letter of your Shared Initial – Easy and Cute

A great and beautiful idea is to make a guest book from the letter of your shared initial. Choose any sort of font style that suits your taste. Your guests will be able to sign it, send you their best wishes and even draw something on it. These are super wedding guest book alternatives!

23. A Jenga Wedding Guest Book – Fun Wedding Guest Book Alternatives

Everyone knows how to play Jenga. If you’re a fan of the game, then you can use it as an alternative to an album or guest book. Get a blank set of blocks on which your guests will be able to leave you a message. If your guests want to, they can even pile up the blocks. This will make a great game for you later when you get to not only play but read all the lovely notes.

24. Puzzle Wedding Guest Book – Wedding Guest Book Ideas

If you love puzzles, then this might be a great choice for you. Buy or make a huge, blank puzzle set. Get your guests to write messages on it or draw something cute. After your wedding, this will be a great game for you and your spouse to play, figuring out which piece goes where.

25. A Unique Wedding Guest Book Made out of Cloth – A Rustic Take on Things

These wedding guest book ideas are for those, who would like their wedding in the outdoors or are going for a rustic theme. You can hang it out, attaching it to strings, with wooden pegs. Your guests will be able to write you a message easily.

26. Simple, Cute and Elegant – Build Memories

If you’re looking for something less complicated, but you still want a romantic vibe to your wedding guest book, then this might be a good option for you. All you need are wooden hearts, which each have a hole in the middle. Your guests can send you their best wishes by writing a message in the hearts. Then all they need to do is place it on the pole provided for the hearts and it will slowly form a spiralling tower of hearts! These hearts are great wedding guest book alternatives!

27. Polaroids Strung Up – A Collection of Photos

This is a new wedding guest book idea involving polaroids. All your guests need to do is take a picture of themselves and clip it to one of the strings provided on the board. These polaroids will serve as a great basis for your wedding photo album later on.

28. Pebbles and Stones – Cute Wedding Guest Book Alternatives

Nowadays, painting or drawing on pebbles is becoming more trendy, and it’s also a cool way to decorate your home. Not only is it easy and affordable to make, but it will leave your guests fascinated, as it’s probably not something commonly used at weddings. So instead of using an album or a wedding guest book, try out some pebbles!

29. Sheer Elegance – The Best Wedding Guest Book Ideas

If you have been searching for a more simple, yet elegant wedding guest book idea, then you’ve come to the right place. Place an empty glass vase, box or terrarium on a table. Leave nicely decorated cards and a pen for the guests, so that they will be able to write you their best wishes.

30. Mini Envelopes in an Album – Sophisticated Wedding Guest Book Ideas

In an album glue envelopes next to each other, as shown on the picture above. Cut out slips of paper, each should fit in an envelope. This will allow your guests to write you a note in private, that no one else will see, only you. All your guests have to do is write the note and slide it into an envelope.


We’re completely certain that if you choose from the 30 wedding guest book ideas mentioned above, it will leave your guests awe-struck. Your guests will enjoy every moment of writing you a message in such a creative form. Naturally, you might have let your fantasy run wild while looking through these ideas and thought of a wedding guest book idea better suited to your taste and style. We hope we were able to help! If you are interested in other wedding-themed ideas, such as wedding ring pillows, visit our website.

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