
25 CARNIVAL COSTUMES FOR WOMEN – Fabulous Carnival Costumes for Her


Carnival season has finally arrived! It’s a period of time which is filled with fun and all sorts of games. Carnival is an event, which is especially popular in Europe. People get dressed up in various costumes and go on amusing parades or go to exciting parties. Perhaps you have been invited to a Carnival event, to which you need to find an outfit. If this is the case, then don’t worry about not being able to find the perfect costume! That’s exactly why we have collected 25 Carnival costumes for women. So besides getting your hair and makeup done, this way you will have some Carnival costume ideas to show off during Carnival!


1. Inspired by Frozen – The Cutest Snowman

Perhaps you have seen the Disney movie Frozen. There are so many likeable and hilarious characters from amongst you can find inspiration for a costume. For example, if your favourite character was Olaf, the loveable snowman, then make sure to dress up as him! You don’t actually need to dress up as a snowman. Finding a white dress on which you sew a few big black buttons down the front will help give you that snowman look. To add another element of Olaf to your costume, you might want to put on a beanie which has his face sewn on it. This includes the carrot nose!

2. A Handmade Clown Costume – Carnival Costumes for Women

Have you run out of time in finding a perfect costume for a Carnival party? You shouldn’t worry too much, because you will be able to put together a costume by yourself at home! Just check out this easy DIY clown costume! The skirt is made out of strips of fabric all sewn together to create a vibrant and lively look. Then all you will need to do is find a colourful hat and a colourful pair of stockings. This costume is all about adding as much colour as possible! Then do your own makeup, giving yourself a clownish look.

3. Becoming a Scuba Diver – Diving Deep Down

Here is a costume you might have never imagined to put together! Dress up in all black for the scuba diver look. Besides the black clothes, you will need goggles, flippers and oxygen tanks. When we say oxygen tanks, we don’t actually mean it. You will have to create them yourself out of plastic bottles, which you coat in acrylic paint. Then simply attach it to your back and lead a pipe out of it, which you will be able to put to your mouth, enabling the flow of oxygen.

4. A Loveable Loofa – Getting Creative

When planning and inventing a costume for Carnival season, what would you like to embody? If you have run out of ideas, why not incorporate a simple household object into your costume. You might like the idea of a refrigerator or a washing machine, but another item you can become easily is a loofa! We use loofas for scrubbing ourselves squeaky clean in the shower. All you will need is a load of tulle, which you have to sew yourself to create the loofa shape! You can hold a body brush in one hand or even blow some bubbles, to give you that complete showery or bathing look.

5. A Wind Up Doll – Unique Carnival Costumes for Women

Another great option for what to dress up as for Carnival is to try out a wind-up doll. It’s fairly easy to put together and will look stunning! You will need a simple striped dress, to assist in giving you a doll-like look. Then you will need to cut out a key-like shape from cardboard, which you will have to attach to your back. This way anyone will be able to wind you up!

6. Barbie in a Box – Cute and Beautiful

Maybe you are in search of a costume which will give you a ladylike look. If so, why not try out a barbie costume? You will need a pink dress and pink stilettos to wear! Then you will need to create a box to place your barbie doll inside! Simply create this out of a cardboard box, which you should coat in pink paint. Also, make sure to paint the Barbie logo on it for that extra effect!

7. Funny Lost Puppy Costume – Crazy Dog Lady

Dress up like a crazy dog lady for Carnival season! After all, you might be in search of a hilarious costume which will draw a smile on everyone’s face. To create a funny crazy dog lady costume for Carnival, you will need a longer and larger dress. Stuff the dress with pillows, creating a bulkier look. Attach two pillows to your backside, stuffing a small dog plushie between them, as if it got stuck there. Then create a sign which you can hold all night long, which reads “reward for my lost puppy.” Everyone will love this costume!

8. Censor Your Body – Funny and Awesome

Are you in search of a last-minute costume for Carnival? Then make sure to take a quick glance at this idea! It’s super easy to put together! All you need is a piece of cardboard which you will have to hold in front of yourself. Paint small squares on the cardboard, creating a pixelated effect. Use only nude colours for this! When holding it in front of your body it will look as if you were naked and censoring your body!

9. A Bowl of Ice Cream – With a Cherry

Dress up like a bowl of ice cream for Carnival! It’s a simple and easy costume to put together, which means you can create it at home by yourself! You will need a white skirt and a white shirt. Paint the white shirt with fabric paint, create chocolate sauce dripping downwards as well as decorating it with colourful sprinkles. With this, you will have created your vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. Now it’s time to add the final touch of the cherry on top! You can create a honeycomb red paper ball and paste it on a headband to wear!

10. King Kong – Carnival Costumes for Women

Do you feel like you are a damsel in distress? If so, why not find a character who suits your disposition? For example, if you have watched any King Kong movies, you might relate to the actress Ann. Ann forms a special connection with the gigantic gorilla King Kong. Use her as inspiration, dressing up in a white dress. You will have to find balloons which are shaped like Kong’s hands. After blowing them place them around your body, as if he were grabbing you! Maybe you’ve been looking for a Halloween costume idea. If so, this one will be perfect for the spooky occasion as well!

11. Kinder Chocolates – Ideas for You and Your Friends

Perhaps you are in search of costumes for not only yourself but matching ones for you and your friends! Why not try out this amazing idea of all dressing up as chocolate bars? Depending on what your favourite type or flavour of chocolate is, all of you can dress up as an array of chocolate! A great idea to stick to is Kinder chocolate. Each of you can wear a white t-shirt with the Kinder logo on it. Add red skirts to your outfits to complete the look as well as a red headband!

12. Tweety and Sylvester’s Granny – Unique and Fun

Dress up as Tweety’s and Sylvester’s granny! Besides getting toy versions of Tweety Bird and Sylvester the cat, you will also need the blue skirt and a white shirt. Also, you should try getting a wig for this costume, giving yourself a more elderly look! Another accessory you might try adding to this look is a pair of glasses!

13. A Disney Princess – Beauty and the Beast

Do you have a favourite Disney princess? Then why not use her as inspiration for your Carnival costume? For example, if Belle is your favourite character, dress up as her! You will need a blue dress for the costume as well as a white apron to place over it. Try holding a book or a few in one hand, which is one of Belle’s trademarks. Another choice is to hold a rose in a hand, which is connected to the main plotline of Beauty and the Beast.

14. A Swan Dress – Gorgeous and Elegant

Did you feel inspired by Bjork’s swan dress at the Grammy’s in 2011? If so, why not recreate it? You can sew the skirt of the dress using a load of tulle material, which will help create the feathery look of a swan. Then sew the head and neck of a swan and stuff it with cotton wool, twisting it around your neck. Your swan dress is guaranteed to look spectacular at any Carnival party!

15. A Gumball Machine – Carnival Costumes for Women

Here is yet another fantastic idea for a costume! Make yourself into a gumball machine! Sew dozens of small pompoms onto your shirt, creating the appearance of a gumball machine. Then create the machine part, where you have to slide in the money to receive a gumball on your skirt. Just check out the example above for reference!

16. Tubs of Popcorn – Becoming a Tasty Treat

Become a tasty treat, a tub of popcorn for Carnival! Make yourself look like one of the buckets of popcorn you would buy at the movies. Put on a red and white striped skirt as well as a white shirt or pullover. Then stick on pieces of popcorn on your pullover and another option is to create a headband out of them. This will look fantastic and fun!

17. Becoming a Stick Figure – Carnival Costumes for Women

Here is a super simple costume which you can put together in no time at all! If you dress up in all white, you will be able to create a stick figure out of yourself. Use duct tape to create the lines of your body and also create a mask for your costume, just like in the picture above. Naturally, feel free to include your partner, by making him the same sort of Carnival costume for men!

18. Sesame Street Characters – Back to Childhood

Did you have a favourite TV series back in the day when you were a kid? Take inspiration from that, finding costumes for you and your friends! For example, characters from Sesame Street is a perfect idea for a few Carnival costumes.

19. Cops and Robbers – Having Some Fun

Another great costume idea for Carnival is to dress up as either a robber or a cop. You can do this in a group of friends or with your partner. The robber costume is super easy to put together! All you need is a black and white striped t-shirt, a black beanie, black gloves and a black eye-mask. So if you are in search of something cheap, this might be a great choice for you!

20. Freaky Contortionist – Add Some False Legs

How about adding a pair of fake legs to your Carnival costume? This way you will be able to imitate a freaky contortionist. Wrap some fabric around your waist which will hang to the floor. This way, it will appear as if your body is actually connected to the fake legs!

21. A Cute Cactus – Can’t Touch This

Turn into a flowering Cactus for Carnival! You will need to put on a green dress and attach wooden pegs all around your dress, symbolising the spikes of a cactus. Also, consider adding a flower to your hair, showing that the cactus is just flowering. You can paint the words “can’t touch this” on the dress.

22. Mickey and Minnie Mouse – Adorable Idea

If you love Disney characters as much as we do, dress up as Mickey or Minnie Mouse for Carnival! These characters are known worldwide, so anyone will be able to recognise you at any sort of party! This would also make an adorable Carnival costume for kids!

23. A Mime – Carnival Costumes for Women

Are you in search of an easy costume to throw together for Carnival? Then why not try out this easy mime costume? You will need a black pair of trousers, a black and white striped t-shirt, a black beret hat as well as some gloves. Make sure you paint your face for this one!

24. The Flintstones – A Prehistoric Character

Everyone loves the Flintstone family! If you adore them as well, why not choose a character from them to dress up as? The costumes are quite easy to make, and you can even try finding a tutorial online to create them by yourself!

25. Half Man Half Lady – Carnival Costumes for Women

Now here is a spectacular costume which will look perfect for Carnival season! Dress up half as a man, and half as a lady. This doesn’t only include the clothes you wear, but also the makeup you put on and the way you style your hair. A costume such as this will prove to be a difficult task to put together, but it’s totally worth it!


We hope that you were able to find some inspiration amongst this collection of Carnival costumes for women. For other ideas concerning Carnival, such as Carnival costumes for babies or Carnival costumes for families, visit our website.

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