Garden Decoration Ideas for Summer – 30 Awesome Garden Decor Ideas



The season of summer is just around the corner. Going on holidays, sunbathing on the seaside, eating delicious gelato and enjoying the beautiful hot weather. While spring brought a plentitude of blossoming flowers, summer presents delightful greenery and a vast amount of fruit. Any garden during the season of summer is sure to look gorgeous. To make your garden or backyard look even more exquisite during the hot season, why not decorate it with a set of ornaments? We’ve brought 30 awesome garden decoration ideas for summer for you to pick and choose from. So, get your garden into shape for the season!


1. Recycle and Rethink – Aluminium Can Ideas

If you are trying to find environmentally friendly ideas for your garden, you’ve come to the right place! Why not recycle and rethink things you’d probably throw into the trash? Maybe you have a few aluminium cans lying around the house. After washing them clean, paint their outsides with vibrant colours. Fill them with soil and plant all sorts of summer flowers inside them. You can place these on your backyard fence or leave them lying around the garden. Either way, they’ll be sure to look great!

2. A Rustic Image – Summer Garden Ideas

Are you a fan of rustic home decor? If so, stick to this style and add some rustic elements to your garden! This can include a vintage bike, which has a pot of flowers attached to its basket. Also, consider hanging wine bottle vases from a tree after filling them with water and placing a selection of flowers in them.

3. Lights Instead of Water – Light Up Your Garden

Here’s a fabulous and creative way of lighting up your garden. Above a bed of flowers attach a watering can. Then string fairy lights to it, as if it were coming out of its sprinkler. This will create the illusion that light is pouring out of it instead of water. This is guaranteed to give a beautiful atmosphere to your garden if you’ve decided to sit out and enjoy a cool summer night in your garden.

4. Funny Fisherman – Summer Garden Ideas

Creating things out of spoons is a unique source of decor! You need to bend spoons and different objects of cutlery, not to mention pierce holes into the metal to create interesting shapes. For example, if you are into metalwork, you might like this idea of a fisherman sitting in his boat and catching fish. You can hang decor such as this one from a tree, and it also makes a great windchime!

5. Tea Time – Unique Bird Feeder

Make sure the birds in your neighbourhood get food daily! Create a unique bird feeder for them, using an old and unused tea set. You can use a glue gun to attach a teacup to a smaller plate then all you need to do is fill it up with seeds. These are awesome summer garden ideas!

6. Floral Birdcages – Garden Decoration Ideas for Summer

There are so many great ways that you can add a few beautiful touches to your garden. If you love the look of birdcages, make sure to use some in your garden decor. Fill them with ferns or flowers, and hang them up from trees of the roof of your veranda. These floral birdcages look exquisite!

7. A Vibrant Chair – Outdoor Decorations for Summer

Using chairs as some garden decor is a great idea! If you have any broken or unused chairs lying around in the house, reuse them in the garden! Coat them in a vibrant colour of paint and use the seating area to place pots of flowers on it. This way they will become seats of flowers and happiness! This would also look perfect as a spring garden decoration!

8. A Chandelier of Flowers – Ornaments for the Garden

Here’s yet another great idea for you to spruce your garden up with! Redesign and rebuild an older chandelier, place pots to the end of each arm, making sure they are stuck properly to the chandelier. Plant flowers of your choice in the pots. Then find a place from where you can hang up your new and improved chandelier!

9. Candlelit Chandelier – Mason Jar Ideas

Creating decor out of mason jars is limitless, there are so many ideas! For example, here’s a chandelier idea. String mason jars to a wooden or metal board. Fill the mason jars with gravel or sand, then place a candle in each one. When you light them up at night, these will illuminate your garden in a sublime way.

10. Painted Pebbles – Colourful Ladybugs

Hide small items of decor in your flowerbeds! If you have stones or pebbles, cover them in vibrant paint. Then use black paint to create the head of a ladybug and to draw spots all over its body. Use a bit of white paint for its eyes, remembering to draw a dot in the middle. These pebble ladybugs will be the perfect addition to any garden!

11. Old Kettles – Reused as Planters

Everyone has junk lying around in their house, that they don’t even use anymore. Little do they know that junk isn’t junk at all! There are so many ways you can reuse old objects. If you have kettles or pots, that you don’t use anymore, use them as planters! Fill them with soil, before planting your favourite flowers in them! Then place them in various places in the garden. They will lend your backyard a vintage and rustic look!

12. An Array of Birdhouses – Outdoor Decorations for Summer

Birdhouses are not only a great source of decor, but they also provide a safe abode for birds if there’s a storm or it’s raining. If you have been thinking about redecorating your fence, make sure not to do it in a boring way. Why not try adding birdhouses onto your fence, giving it a unique and adorable look? This way the birds will have an abundance of houses to choose from!

13. Frog Idea – Great Garden Decoration Ideas for Summer

You wouldn’t imagine using old car tires as outdoor garden decor! But in fact, they make good planters for flowers or vegetables. You can cover them in paint of your choice. Then place them in a way to make them look like an animal. By adding a painted mouth and eyes, your car tires will look like an adorable animal! Just take a look at the frog above!

14. Bike of Sunshine – Garden Decoration Ideas for Summer

Any sort of vintage-themed decor brings a sense of old-fashioned beauty to your environment. If you’ve been thinking about using vintage styled decorations, why not use an old bike? All you need to do is cover it in paint and attach a basket of flowers to its front. We recommend using yellow paint, the colour of sunshine, to give it that extra summery glow.

15. Tire Planters – Recycling Materials

As we mentioned before, recycling old and unused objects is great because you’re protecting the environment, as well as decorating your garden! Check out these tire planters as an alternative to standard flower bed designs. Using old car tires instead of pots will create a unique and lively look in your backyard!

16. Overflowing Florals – Nature’s Gifts

There’s no better way to decorate your garden, than with Mother Nature’s gifts, plants! If you love flowers, make sure to plant an abundance of them in your garden. You can plant them in creative ways as if they were overflowing from different objects.

17. Pots on Pots – Awesome Outdoor Garden Decor

Here’s an awesome decor idea! Place pots of flowers on top of each other in an interesting way. You will need to pierce holes in the bottom of the pots. Then place them on a metal or wooden pole, leading the pole through the cut-out holes of the pots. It’s up to you on how you decorate the pots themselves, or what sorts of flowers you plant in them!

18. Lovely Legs – Cool Garden Decoration Ideas for Summer

If you are trying to find a creative planter, why not attach some legs to your pots? Making your pots of flowers look like sitting humans is an awesome idea! Instead of ideas sprouting out of their heads, they will have flowers blooming from them!

19. Wine Bottle Ornaments – Ideas for Summer Garden Decor

There are limitless ideas when it comes to making planters! Instead of using standard pots, you can try out using wine bottles as planters! Use wires to hang them from a tree or the roof of your veranda. These DIY wine bottle planters will give your garden a beautiful touch!

20. A Jarful of Flowers – An Essence of Summer

Mason jars make the perfect vases for flowers. Especially, since you can attach the jars to anything. Place them on small hangers throughout your garden. Fill them up with water and place a selection of your favourite flowers in the jars.

21. Vibrant Mason Jars – Garden Decoration Ideas for Summer

Summer is the season of liveliness and growing of life. So it would only make sense to decorate your garden with vibrant bursts of colour, for example, with painted mason jars! You can place a multitude of flowers inside the jars themselves, and put them in all sorts of places in your backyard!

22. Recycling Plastic Bottles – Fabulous Summer Decor

Perhaps you don’t want to buy a hoard of new pots and planters for this year’s summer. If you’re still looking forward to planting flowers, why not recycle plastic bottles instead and use those as planters? It’s an environmentally friendly solution for planting florals! If you want to get truly creative, you can string them up from a ceiling, creating a waterfall effect, just like in the picture above!

23. Bees and Hives – Adorable Pot Ornaments

During the summertime, you might notice bees buzzing everywhere in nature! If you like these cute insects, why not use them as inspiration for your summer garden decor? Coat some pots in a warm yellow paint and paint a small black “door” on their sides. Wrap yarn around the pots, fixating them with a glue gun. These are your hives! Now all you need to do is cut out bees or draw them on pieces of paper and attach them to their houses.

24. Snail Shells – Unique Garden Decoration Ideas for Summer

You might be able to find snails sliding around your garden after a rainy summer day! Snails have unique shells, which you can use for inspiration for your garden decor! Create swirly patterns on rocks using an abundance of vibrant paint. By the end, you should have your own snail shells decorating your garden.

25. Farmhouse Feels – Wall Planter Ideas

Create a rustic looking wall planter! You can combine an old drawer with some chicken wire to get a wall planter that looks like it’s come from a farm! It’s up to you on what you’d like to plant inside of it, ranging from herbs to flowers, anything will look great in it!

26. A Ladder of Flowers – Summer Garden Ideas

If you have your favourite flowers already planted in their pots, make sure you arrange them in a unique and beautiful way! Place a ladder next to a wall and on each step put a pot of flowers. This ladder of flowers will lend your garden a gorgeous look for the summer!

27. Flower Containers – Summer Outdoor Decorations

If you love painting, why not paint your containers in your garden to look like people? It’s a fun and creative idea. According to what colour you paint them, plant similar coloured flowers inside them. You can place umbrellas on the tops of the containers, which will serve as hats for your container people!

28. Bumblebee Wreath – Summer Decoration Ideas

Wreaths are the perfect form of decoration for any front door! For your summer wreath, make sure to include a multitude of summer flowers, ferns and leaves. You can create a bumblebee figurine out of wooden balls, wire and burlap, all you need to do is coat it with black and yellow paint. Attach the bumblebee to the wreath, picturing that it’s flying on the flowers to collect some pollen.

29. Bicycle Flowers – Outdoor Garden Decor

If you have a broken bike, why not recycle its wheels? Create bicycle flowers out of them! Take off the plastic tire and paint the wheel itself with vibrant, summery colours. Attach the wheel to a pole of metal, which will be the stem of the flower. You can also create leaves for each side of the stem. Stick the bicycle flowers into the ground. These will make your garden pop with colour!

30. Tires as Wall Planters – Great Summer Garden Decoration

We’ve talked about multiple ways of reusing old junk you’ve collected over the years, here’s another idea for recycling something old! An old car tired which has been repainted and used as a planter! You can hang it from a tree or attach it to your fence or one of the walls of your house. They will give your garden a true summer look!


We hope that this collection of 30 summer garden decor ideas has assisted in giving you some inspiration for your own garden! For more ideas on summer decorations, visit our website: Decor Ideas for Summer or Summer Wreaths for Front Doors!

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