Garden Lighting Ideas – 20 Backyard Lighting Ideas



Are you searching for ways which will allow you to spruce up your garden? When it comes to designing and decorating your garden, there are a lot of ways you can go in. Firstly, you will want to think about what sort of ambience you’d like your garden to exude. This means that you will want your overall design and decorative elements to be in harmony with each other. One important factor out of many is the lighting you install in your garden. Due to its importance, we have collected 20 garden lighting ideas. So, take a look at these backyard lighting ideas to find something perfect for your own garden!


1. Illuminate the Garden Path – Practical Garden Lighting Ideas

When it comes to lighting up your garden, you will want to think about what you need to light up first. After all, if you have an important element to which you want to install lighting, then it will be wise to do so. For example, one part of your garden that you can’t forget to install lighting to is your garden pathway! Just think about it, you get home from a long day at work during the evening or even at night. You can’t see anything in front of you, or where the path leads. Installing lights along both sides of the walkway will make things easier!

2. Create a Wooden Deck – Spot Outdoor Lighting Ideas

Get ready to rethink and redesign your whole garden! Have you always loved the idea of creating a small island or a terrace in your garden? How about you fulfil this dream then and create a wooden deck in your garden? This will serve as a fantastic area for entertaining any guests you might have invited over. If you spend a pleasant afternoon in your garden, and you notice that the day blinks into the night, then you will want to make sure you have lights surrounding your garden and your deck. Thanks to these garden lighting ideas, your guests will be able to find their way easily back into your home without falling over in the dark.

3. Lanterns Lighting the Way – Backyard Lighting Ideas

Bring a vintage or old-fashioned vibe into your garden. An easy way of achieving this is by installing lamp posts in your garden as a source of fence lighting ideas. You might decide on installing them all along the line of a garden fence or even next to the pathway of stepping stones. Using lamp posts will definitely bring a classic and traditional feeling with themselves, so if this is what you are going for, give it a try!

4. Easy Driveway Lighting – Super Simple and Effortless

Another part of your garden that is necessary to illuminate, is none other than your driveway. If you get home from school or work during the evening, or if you have guests over, you want to see in which direction you need to drive, in order to stay on the driveway. This is when it’s a good idea to use lighting along both of the edges of your driveway. Due to the lighting instalments, it will be clear to anyone which way they need to drive.

5. Natural and Unique – Enchanted Backyard Lighting Ideas

Now here is a spectacular and magical lighting design, which you might love to add to your garden! The idea revolves around installing lights inside of tree stumps. By cutting up the sides of the stumps, the light will shine through in a beautiful way. Using these tree stumps for lighting, you’ll be sure to create an enchanted vibe in your garden, as if fairies were living in these houses. Create a few of these and place them wherever you would like to in your garden.

6. Garden Wall Lights – Garden Lighting Ideas

As we mentioned before, there is an incredible amount of ways that you can light up your garden! Maybe you have a large wall barrier or a fence that surrounds the whole of your garden. If this is the case, you might consider installing the lighting on the walls of your garden fence or wall. Depending on what sort of ambience you’d like to create, you might not install lights on each wall. For example, you might prefer a dimmer illumination in your garden. Or you might feel like there are a few areas that you would like to accentuate with bright lights. These will make wonderful fence lighting ideas!

7. For Your Steps – Practical and Mindful

We usually add lighting to our gardens to highlight important parts of it. Also, we need to see where we are going in the dark, so if we spend an evening or night outside in the garden, it won’t hurt to add some lighting to it. Perhaps you have a set of stairs leading up from your garden into your house? If so, make sure to add lighting to each step. After all, there isn’t a worse feeling than when you stub a toe into something hard or if you trip on something in the dark.

8. Romantic and Ethereal – Backyard Lighting Ideas

Would you like to create a romantic and wistful atmosphere in your garden, especially during the evenings or nights? Then you are bound to fall in love with these landscape lighting ideas! If you have a garden pathway paving a route from your door into the rest of the garden, you will want to line both sides of the path with small fairy lights. If you have any fences or garden walls, also make sure to hang strings of fairy lights from them. To really set a welcoming and romantic tone in your garden, you can use lighting which is tinted yellow. This will help increase the overall feeling of warmth in the environment.

9. Getting Creative – With Garden Edging

A simple way to spruce up any part of your garden is by adding a bit of garden edging. This means that you separate one part of your garden from the rest, such as your flowerbeds from the grassy area. If you have used garden edging in a few parts of your garden, then you may consider installing lighting in these parts. This will help in accentuating and highlighting the different parts of your garden.

10. For a Flowerbed – Backyard Lighting Ideas

We have already talked about how lighting can be used for different functions. One is for the practical side of things, as lighting will help you see where you are or where you’re going in the dark. The other is more ornamental and is used to bring attention to unique parts of your garden. You may have a simple flower bed, filled with interesting and unusual plants growing in it. Install some lighting in the flowerbed itself, illuminating the area of your flowerbed with these fantastic landscape lighting ideas!

11. Using Solar Energy – Garden Lighting Ideas

Maybe you are in search of solutions for your garden lighting that are environmentally friendly. So instead of using electricity, you can go for renewable energy sources. A great idea would be to use lamps or lighting that are powered by solar energy. Then depending on what sort of style and design your garden incorporates, you will be able to find those sorts of lamps. You will be able to place these anywhere in your garden you’d like to. This is a great idea to try out, especially if you want to protect our planet!

12. Modern and Futuristic – Trying Something New

Have you been thinking about trying out something modern that is almost futuristic? Perhaps your whole house and garden are designed to look like they have come from a more modern era. If this is the case, you will want everything in your garden to channel the same sort of ambience, otherwise, elements will clash and create a sense of disharmony. This includes the lighting you choose for your garden! Using interesting and contemporary designs, you’ll be able to bring the same sort of ambience to the environment.

13. Glowing Pots – Fabulous Backyard Lighting Designs

Are you a creative sort of person, who is always in search of new ideas to try out around their home or garden? Then how about you check out this amazing idea with which you can light up your whole garden? How about transforming your pots which are filled with herbs or flowers into glowing beacons of light? An easy option is to coat your pots in glow-in-the-dark paint. Another choice would be to install led lighting around your pots, before covering it with a layer of plastic or glass. Lighting like this will take your garden to the next level!

14. Setting the Mood – Stunning and Simplistic

Another thing lighting is useful for is setting the mood and ambience of a specific space. It all depends on what sort of atmosphere you’d like to create in your garden. For a more warm and intimate feeling, you might choose dimmer and yellow-tinted lights. But if you’d like to see everything more clearly during the evenings, then consider using brighter lights! Do you have a pond or a fountain in your garden? If so, make sure to light it up in an unusual way.

15. A Cute Idea – A Watering Can

Now, here are adorable exterior lighting ideas for anyone in search of cute ways to light up your garden. Not to mention, you’ll be able to put this together all by yourself! All you need is an old watering can. Place the watering can on a metal pole inserted into one of your flowerbeds. Then attach strings of fairy lights to the holes of the watering can, as if it was light pouring out of it instead of water. You’ll be able to shower your flowers and plants in light all night!

16. Turn Your Plants into Centrepieces – Garden Lighting Ideas

If you have some special trees or bushes planted in large pots, you may have moved them in your garden to turn them into the centrepieces of your garden. If so, then make sure to add lighting to them in order to catch anyone’s eye who steps into your garden. You can install lights into the pots themselves, directing their light above them, into the crowns of the trees. Using the right sort of lighting will help highlight the important elements of your garden.

17. Innovative and Incredible – A Contemporary Design

We have already talked about adding some form of lighting to your steps if you have any in your garden. Here is another idea that involves using led lights right underneath the steps. Instead of only installing spotlights, one for each step, surround the bases of the garden steps with led lights. With an abundance of lights, you won’t have any trouble seeing where you need to step during the night. This type of light installation will look especially good in a house with a modern design.

18. A Portable Ball Lamp – Backyard Lighting Ideas

Maybe you prefer fun and groovy designs when it comes to home and garden design! If we’re spot on, then you might try out adding ball lamps to your garden. They are portable and have led lights in them. So, you will be able to move the balls at any time if you are displeased with where they are. These balls will also ensure that your garden looks magical!

19. Strings of Lights – Easy and Cheap

Perhaps you are throwing a party and are in search of some easy and cheap lighting solutions. Transform your garden into a special and friendly environment. Simply hang strings of fairy lights from one tree to another. Or install poles into the ground of your garden and hang the fairy lights from one pole to the other.

20. From Underneath the Plants – Garden Lighting Ideas

Finally, here is another idea with which you can create interesting shadows and lighting. Install your lighting right underneath your plants, letting the light shine through the leaves of them. This outdoor lighting idea will definitely create a unique sort of light, which will look amazing especially in garden beds!


We trust that this collection of 20 backyard lighting ideas has inspired you. For more home and garden design, besides exterior lighting ideas, such as outdoor grill island ideas or indoor herb garden ideas, visit our website!

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