Old Man Haircut – The Best Haircuts for Older Men



Have you noticed grey strands of hair growing on your head? Instead of trying to hide them away you should try owning them! After all, your hair turning grey is completely natural. At the same time, you will want to find a hairstyle that is a reflection of your personality. As you might already know, getting a new hairstyle sometimes shows the world, what sort of personality and style you have. Maybe you would like a long hairstyle which more elegant and refined. Or perhaps you might be looking for a hairstyle that is adventurous and bold. Whatever your style is, make sure to look through our collection of best haircuts for older men, because you want to look your best. We guarantee you will find an amazing old man haircut amongst our pick of ideas!


1. Smart and Elegant – Best Haircuts for Older Men

As we mentioned just before, when your hair turns grey, it shouldn’t be an embarrassment or something to be ashamed of. Instead, you should accept it and embrace it! In fact, grey hair has actually become very trendy, so you shouldn’t worry too much about its colour or what other people may think of you. Depending on what your overall style is, when it comes to hair or clothes, you might prefer elegant things! If so, why not grow out your hairstyle longer? You can leave your hair out or tie it up in a man bun.

2. An Amazing Look – Short with a Beard

Find the best haircuts for older men! Another thing which has become very popular and stylish over the past decade is to grow a beard! No matter how old you are, a beard will give you a sense of style and maturity. So it would only make sense to grow it out! If you decide on growing out your beard, you will also have to remember that you need to care for it. This means getting it trimmed every now and then, so it won’t look unkempt. To compliment your beard, you might be thinking of getting a short, smart and casual haircut, which is a terrific idea!

3. A Handsome Gentleman – Redefine Your Style

Maybe you are in search of an old man haircut which will give you a gentlemanly and masculine look. If so, why not have your hair cut shorter with the hair on the top of your head grown out longer? You can slick it all back, giving you the smart look you might have been looking for. Try growing out a shorter beard to match the look of your haircut. If you decide on getting this haircut, you will be sure to look amazing!

4. Easy and Simple – Short Haircuts for Older Men

Now here is another great example of your hair starting to turn grey, but instead of dying it, you decide to own that short grey hair! When looking for a haircut or hairstyle for an older man, you don’t have to stick to boring haircuts, which scream the word “old.” Instead, you might decide on opting for something which is easy and simple. A haircut that brings you a more chill and laidback vibe. Keeping this in mind, why not try out a haircut, which has long hair on the top and shorter on the sides. You can comb or slick back the long hair for the perfect look.

5. Great in Grey Hair – Creating a Stylish Appearance

Don’t worry about dying your hair into a different colour when you are turning grey! You can rock your grey hair by getting a great haircut to suit it. This is a hairstyle for men who have wavy or curly locks. Have your hair cut short, but not too short. Then simply comb it back behind your ears and part your hair in the middle. You might have to use hair gel to keep your short grey hair in place.

6. A Handsome Haircut – Best Haircuts for Older Men

Just because your hair is starting to turn grey, does not mean you should get a typical old men’s haircut. If you would like to look attractive and awesome, then make sure to go for a haircut that embraces your confidence. Have your hair cut at around mid-length or just a bit shorter. Comb it out every day in order to give yourself a clean and neat appearance. This simple and short hairstyle for men is all about being more on the natural side but without being boring. It also brings an easy essence of elegance with itself!

7. Difference Between the Beard and Hair – Unique and Trendy

Now here is a truly sophisticated haircut for any aged man! Have your hair cut in a long taper. The hair on the sides of your head should be cut short, with the hair on the top of your head left long. You can try combing the hair on top backwards, creating an elegant look. If your hair has started to grey, but your beard has not, don’t worry too much about it! Deciding to grow out your beard will look amazing, with the difference of colour between it and your grey hair. You will create a unique look for yourself!

8. Keeping it Simple – A Great Old Man Haircut

We have already started countless times, that even if your hair is turning grey you can still give yourself a very appealing and handsome haircut. Instead of looking like an old man, you will look like a mature man with confidence, especially with this haircut! If you don’t want your hair to constantly get in the way of things, why not try out a shorter haircut? You won’t have to spend as much time in front of the mirror each morning trying to style it!

9. Going Completely Bald – A Bold Look

Perhaps you are in search of a more daring and bold old man haircut. Maybe you are not upset or anxious about your hair turning grey, you just want to try out something new! A great example of something bold is actually going completely bald! Shave off all of your hair, to find a confident and masculine man staring back at you! So if you have had trouble with receding hairlines, you might as well give going bald a try. A great addition to baldness is leaving a small beard on your face.

10. Short and Stylish – Short Haircuts for Older Men

While a lot of people think that middle-aged or older men are very limited, when it comes to choosing a new haircut, that is not the case! It can prove to be difficult, finding a hairstyle or haircut which matches your style and personality, but there is a huge variety out there! If you are still quite athletic and love to do sports, then you might try a haircut which is practical! For example, shorter hairstyles for older men are perfect and practical for any sorts of sports or activities, as it won’t get in the way.

11. Rugged and Windswept – Best Haircuts for Older Men

Sometimes it can prove to be a difficult task to find a haircut or hairstyle once your hair turns grey. Depending on what your style is like, you should try finding a haircut that reflects it. For example, if you feel like you would like something more rugged and windswept, try out a shorter hairstyle. You don’t need to have your hair cut evenly or in a straight manner. Another great thing about trying out a shaggier haircut is that you don’t need to comb it every day.

12. A Longer Cut – Elegant and Refined

Maybe you are in search of older mens long hairstyles. After all, if you have long hair, there are more ways of styling it! Since grey hair has become super stylish over the years, it would look fabulous on long hair as well! So if you are in the mood for a man bun or a ponytail, you can simply tie your hair up in one! But of course, another great option is to let your hair out, long and flowing.

13. A Neat Style – An Idea for Old Man Haircut

As we begin to grow older, not only does the texture and colour of our hair change but so does the shape of one’s head. Grey hair often turns out to be a lot thinner than the hair we were born with. This results in deciding to try out a new hairstyle or haircut, to make these changes less visible. You might try opting for a hairstyle that is more on the simple side. Not too short, but not too long either. Just enough to create an elegant and gentlemanly look.

14. Spiky and Short – A Fantastic Idea

Did you know that there are some haircuts or hairstyles which will make you look younger than you actually are? This is the great thing about getting spikey hair. The sides of the head should be trimmed closer to the scalp, while the top of your hair is spiked upwards with the assistance of hair gel. Creating spikes out of your hair will give you a youthful and funky vibe, which will help make you look somewhat younger! Spikey hair is not only great for casual events, but it also looks fantastic at any more elegant occasion.

15. Soft Waves and Curls – Best Haircuts for Older Men

Now here is a gorgeous hairstyle that is sure to turn heads! It’s all about keeping the natural waves and curls in your hair, instead of straightening them. For this hairstyle, you should grow out your beautiful silver waves to a mid-length. All you will need to do is comb them back, using hair gel to keep them in place. This will create a sophisticated look, which will be perfect for any special or fancy event you might need to go to.

16. Messy and Short – Manly and Mature

Here is yet another great haircut for older men. If you have been searching for something more on the masculine and mature side, you might have just found it! Try out a simple and short spike, which should be shaved short on the sides and left a bit longer on the top. Make sure you leave some stubble on your face. The spikes and the stubble will look perfect together, so make sure to give it a go!

17. Effortless Curls – Looking Artistic and Creative

Give yourself the appearance of a creative artist by letting your curls grow out! The great thing about having naturally curly hair is that you don’t actually need to put that much effort into styling it. You can sometimes wake up and get out of bed and your hair will look perfect! So if you have naturally wavy or curly hair, let it grow out a bit. Also, try growing out your stubble or beard for a more mature look.

18. Brush it to the Top – Older Mens Long Hairstyles

As we start to age and our hair starts turning into silver shades, we might notice that our hair gets thinner. Most people prefer having thick looking hair as it is associated with being healthy. If you’ve noticed that your hair has started growing out in thinner strands, then try out a haircut that is able to create an illusion of your hair being thick. A great idea is to layer your hair. First of all, you will need to grow out your hair a little, then start layering it! It’s a simple solution that is sure to work for long hair for men!

19. Brushed Up Hair – Simple and Fun

Do you prefer to keep your hair easy and simple? Then this haircut for men might be perfect for you. Have your hair cut midlength, then all you need to do is brush the front of your hair upwards. You can fixate it with hair gel or hairspray, to keep it from falling into your eyes. This easy hairstyle will provide an elegant look for any fancy event you might need to go to.

20. A Classic Cut – Awesome Old Man Haircut

You don’t need to go overboard with new hairstyles for older men. If you are the sort of man who would like to channel mature vibes, then try out a classic haircut! This means having your hair cut around the same length all over your head, only make sure that the sides are a bit shorter than the rest. So maybe you should give this classic cut a go! It’s perfect for any sort of occasion!


So make sure that you look through our collection of the best haircuts for older men. You will be sure to find some inspiration concerning old man haircuts! Also for more hairstyle ideas, check out our Haircuts for Men Over 50 as well as Trendy Mens Haircuts.


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