
Discover The Most Breathtaking Cookie Decorating Ideas


Creating artwork out of weird materials is all the rage, and creating art out of food is especially getting more and more popular these days. Tisha Cherry a culinary creator makes beautiful masterpieces from simple Oreos. Her cookie decorating ideas will definitely amaze everyone because she uses Oreo’s flavored cream fillings to create tiny, edible paintings on the iconic cookies.

Cherry has created a tiny palette out of Oreos.

As you can see, she uses both the Golden and traditional varieties of Oreo cookies. “I’m especially fond of the company’s limited edition flavors, which come in a variety of colors that make for some great painting.”-said Cherry.

Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

Some of her Oreo pieces are inspired by famous artworks, like this one below of American Gothic.

Cherry mixes cream colours to get the correct hues and uses a toothpick to paint her creations. She creates her image on the back side of the cookie because it makes the perfect canvas. It’s a simple idea, but amazing!

Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

Have you ever realised that the creamy filling is actually pretty perfect for capturing thick, Impressionist-style painting?
Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

Here you can see a masterpiece about Frida Kahlo.
Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

The works of Van Gogh come out exceptionally well.
Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

cookie decorating ideas
Did you know that thick, built-up layers of paint are called impasto?
Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

Sometimes, I create images simply because they look pretty, like these sculptural roses for Mother’s Day.
Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

cookie decorating ideas
According to Cherry, you can’t go wrong with the classic colour palette. What about trying it out at home?
Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

You can even make a simple wave from Oreo cookies.
Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

What’s more, her other images are inspired by memes and pop culture.
Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

This one is of everyone’s favourite sad-sack cat.
Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas


Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

Tisha Cherry, cookie decorating ideas

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