How to Make A Wine Cork Reindeer For Christmas


Do you have dozens of wine corks at home but you don’t know how to create something creative from them? Christmas is coming, so don’t throw them away, let’s learn how to make a wine cork reindeer! This decoration idea is simple, you don’t need too many ingredients. If you don’t have enought free time, but you would like to make small Christmast presents for your friends and loved ones or decorations, this article is for you!


  • wine corks (2 whole)
  • sticks (4 pieces)
  • metallic pipe cleaner (if you would like to decorate your little reindeer)
  • ribbon
  • small pom-poms or beads
  • scissors
  • a sharp knife
  • glue



First of all, take your wine cork and carve the places of the wine cork reindeer’s legs. Be careful with the knife, you shouldn’t make too big holes. After that, fit the legs to the body.

Fix the legs with a glue. It’s much more comfortable if you have a glue gun because the glue dries immediately. If you use traditional liquid glue, you should wait until it is not sticking.

Your next step is the head of the reindeer. Make two horn from the wooden sticks. A little distance should be between the horns as you can see in the picture below.

Fix the whole body together, you can your glue as well. If you feel creative, you can decorate your wine cork reindeer with a ribbon, for example.


And your super-lovely reindeers are ready! You can surprise your loved ones with this cute handmade gift, they will definitely adore your idea!

Thank you for reading “How to Make Wine Cork Reindeer For Christmas”!
Source of the pictures: Pinterest

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