
How to Dye Easter Eggs With A Few Silk Ties


Easter is around the corner and everyone loves dyeing Easter eggs. There are different kinds of techniques you can use, but have you ever heard about this one? Don’t hesitate to try out this method: how to dye Easter eggs with a few silk ties. You will adore it!

The crafters of SALT Project came up with an awesome idea: classic decorated Easter eggs with some silk. You don’t need to fuss with messy dyes and store-bought kits anymore. You will need a few scraps of silk and used vinegar.

Ingredients you will need:
  • 1 dozen white eggs
  • an assortment of silk ties or scarves
  • thin string or twine
  • a sheet of white cotton
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1/4 cup of vinegar
  • rubber bands


First of all, cut the ties and scarves into squares. They should be large enough to wrap around each egg.
how to dye Easter eggs with silk

After that wrap the eggs with silk. There is an important thing: always make sure that the bright side’s touching the shell. Then secure with rubber bands.
how to dye Easter eggs with silk

Coil the string around the eggs. This technique will ensure that silk is touching the entire surface of the shell so don’t miss it!
how to dye Easter eggs with silk

how to dye Easter eggs with silk
Cut your sheet of white cotton into squares in your next step. They should be about the same size as the silk ones. Cover your eggs with those as well and secure all of them with rubber bands.
how to dye Easter eggs with silk

After that boil the vinegar and water.

how to dye Easter eggs with silk

You should simmer for 30 minutes, remove the little packages and let them cool. Don’t forget to unwrap your eggs. You will adore this super-quick and simple method.
how to dye Easter eggs with silk

Here you can see a video about how to dye Easter eggs with silk. It might be a little bit different, but they have also great instructions.

Kids will love these eggs, but you should know they’re especially great for grownups. Let’s do it together with your children!

Thank you for reading our article of “How to Dye Easter Eggs With A Few Silk Ties”!
