CRIMPED HAIRSTYLES – Crimped Wavy Hair Ideas


Are you in search of some new and exciting hairstyles? There are a lot of types of hairstyles to choose from! Depending on your style and personality, you may decide to opt for something retro that is coming back into fashion! One hairstyle that you might love is none other than crimped wavy hair! Crimped hair used to be a huge trend in the eighties and nineties, but it is making its comeback! This hair has a wavy appearance, thanks to the crimping iron that helps in creating it. Take a look through our pick of 20 gorgeous crimped hairstyles in order to find a bit of inspiration!


1. Getting It All Done – Beautiful Crimped Hairstyles

One thing you might be deciding about is whether to have all of your hair crimped or only a few strands of it. Wavy crimped hair is something that will give your whole appearance a bold look, especially if all of it is curled into these zig-zag waves. If you decide to have all of your hair crimped, you will still be able to create a lot of different hairstyles out of it! This will allow you to style your hair for a lazier day with friends or even an elegant occasion! For example, a half updo will look amazing with crimped hair!

2. Adding Highlights – Spruce Up Your Look

If you decide on getting your hair crimped, there are a lot of ways to spruce it up even more! While the crimped texture of hair gives your whole look a unique vibe, there are still a variety of ideas to try out! Perhaps you feel like the colour of your hair is a bit plain. Or maybe you just feel like it needs some perking up done to it. How about you consider adding some highlights to it? You may have to do this before having your hair crimped!

3. All Sorts of Accessories – Crimped Wavy Hair

Whether you have crimped hair, or have left your hair completely natural, there are loads of modes to perk it up! Besides dying it in a different colour or adding highlights to it, there is a much simpler idea to try out! This idea consists of adding cute and cool accessories to your hair! There are tonnes of accessories, ranging from headbands and bandanas to adorable hairclips. So, whatever you end up choosing, make sure that it fits your whole style and personality. Crimped hair paired with accessories is guaranteed to look amazing!

4. Wonderful in Waves – Looking Your Best

Make sure that you look your absolute best each and every day! Your hair is a major factor in your overall appearance, This means that you should take great care in how you style your hair! If you have been thinking about trying out a crimped wave, keep in mind that there are a few types of wavy crimped hair ideas. You don’t necessarily have to go for the zig-zag waves. As an alternative, you can try out the larger crimped waves that will give you an ethereal appearance! This type of wave will look especially great with longer hair!

5. A Waterfall Braid – Creative Crimped Hairstyles

Get truly creative with your hairstyle! If you love to add braids to your hair, but you have also been thinking about having it curled with a crimping iron, then this hairstyle was made for you! Get your hair braided in a waterfall braid. Instead of crimping all of your hair, only have the bottom parts of your hair crimped, which fall down from the braids. This will only accentuate the waterfall braid, as the bottom part of your hair will look like an actual fall of water!

6. Fun and Youthful – Short Crimped Hair

Are you thinking about boosting your appearance with a fun and youthful vibe? Then we have an easy idea for you to give a go! This is a perfect look for women or girls with shorter hair. All you will have to do is have the bottom of your shorter hair crimped with a curling iron. This will give your hair a frizzy and fun look. Naturally, this is also a haircut that you’ll be able to style in any way you want. Feel free to add extra volume to it, in order to give your hair more definition!

7. A Bohemian Vibe – Crimped Wavy Hair

Sometimes, crimped hair can really give off a bohemian vibe! Especially if it is styled in a unique way! If that is the sort of look you would like to achieve, then we would definitely recommend trying out crimped hair! After it has been successfully curled, you shall be able to style it! One example would be to braid the front of your hair on both sides. Then tie these braids together at the back of your head, creating a smaller bun. If this doesn’t look amazing, we don’t know what does!

8. A Combination of Colours – Fading Into Each Other

There are some instances when it’s a fantastic idea to dye your hair! If you have always wanted a hairstyle that stands out from the crowd, then maybe you should try dying your locks! You can go for a bold or daring colour, that will bring out your personality. But naturally, you may be in search of simpler colours or a combination of shades, like an ombre! Whatever your choice is after your hair has been dyed, it’s time to curl it with the help of a crimping iron! It is guaranteed to look fabulous!

9. Streaks of Cool Colours – Crimped Hairstyles

Help in bringing back the retro trend of crimping your hair! A great idea to try out would be adding streaks of exciting and vibrant colours to your hair before creating the crimped waves. This will work well with whatever the base colour of your hair is, but it will be easiest for blondes, as they won’t have to bleach out the strands of hair before dying them in unique colours! You can add purple, pink, blue, orange and many other colours to your hair, according to your own preference! Then make sure to crimp it!

10. Simple and Stylish – Keeping It Natural

Transforming your hair into a wavy crimped hairstyle doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going retro! You can keep your hair looking more simple and natural, than giving it the groove of the eighties. Just one example would be getting all of your hair crimped in softer waves. The soft waves in your locks will look more natural, allowing you to create more hairstyles out of it. An easy updo or adding a braid to your hair will look awesome!

11. Creating a Bun – From Crimped Wavy Hair

When you think of crimped hairstyles, the first thing that will probably pop into your mind is nothing other than letting your hair out. This is the most common way to show off your crimped hair! But there are a lot of other types of hairdos to try out! One of these hairstyles would be a fancy updo! This is the type of hairstyle that would look perfect on anyone who has crimped hair and is going to an elegant event. Of course, a hairdo such as this will take time and effort to create!

12. A Large Braid – A Faux Hawk

Maybe you are going to be heading off to a party or a night out with friends and you are in search of the perfect hairstyle! If you have been considering pairing a hairstyle with a crimper, then here is one that you can try out! We are talking about a faux hawk! All this means is that your hairstyle resembles a mohawk because the middle of your hair stands upright. A woman can achieve this by having her crimped hair braided to create that mohawk look! It’s an effortless combination of edginess and sophistication.

13. Great for Long Hair – Crimped Hairstyles

There are so many fantastic hairstyles to try out. If you have long hair, then trying out a crimped hairstyle may be a fantastic choice for you! After all, crimping your hair will enhance your hairs look, by giving it extra volume as well as a different sort of texture. Naturally, wavy crimped hair looks good whether you have short or long hair. But if you have long hair and curl it into these zig-zag waves, it is guaranteed to make you stand out!

14. A Unique Pattern – Beautiful and Brilliant

When it comes to the world of crimped hairstyles, there are so many directions you can go in! Always feel free and inspired to try something new! A unique way to crimp your hair would be to only do squares of it. Curl only slots of your hair in order to create a checkered sort of pattern. This is a fantastic option for anyone who is really in search of something unique and different! It’s a new way of crimping your hair and bringing out the best of it!

15. Half Up and Half Down – Crimped Wavy Hair

Amongst our collection of crimped hairstyles, there is one that will look amazing on anyone! It’s the sort of hairstyle that is super easy to do. This means that even if you don’t have a lot of time in the mornings to get ready, this is still simple to accomplish! First of all, get your hair crimped with a curling iron! After you’re ready, all you will need to do is tie half of your hair up! Use a cute hair tie or a scrunchie to achieve this for an effortlessly adorable look!

16. Vibrant and Glamorous – Add a Braid

We have already talked quite a bit about dying your hair into a vibrant colour before crimping it. This is an especially fantastic option for anyone who has always wanted to add an exciting shade to their hair! How about trying out a deep red combined with a few shades of purple? After you have dyed your hair, it will be ready to be crimped! Of course, feel free to style it in any way you’d like. An option would always be to add a braid or two to your hair in order to uplift your whole look!

17. A Cute Bob – The Best Crimped Hairstyles

Here is yet another combination of a haircut paired with short crimped hair! A haircut that would look fantastic with crimped hair is the bob! This is a rather short haircut, cut shorter at the back than at the front. If you already have a bob, then why not use a curling iron to create the crimped style? Maybe you have thin or fine hair. If this is the case, then curling it into crimps is a fantastic solution with which you can give it more volume and texture!

18. Style Your Ponytail – Creative and Innovative

Maybe you’d just like to try out a simplistic hairstyle, but would love to take its look to the next level! Just like a ponytail! An easy way of achieving it is none other than adding a unique look to the strands of hair falling out at the back. For example, using your crimping iron, curl some of the parts of your hair. A hairstyle such as this is guaranteed to draw attention to itself!

19. Beach Vibes – Crimped Wavy Hair

Find wavy crimped hair that will suit your style! No matter whether you have long or short crimped hair, how about you tie half of your hair into a low ponytail, leaving the rest out. It’s completely up to you on what sort of hair colour you decide on, as long as it looks great paired with your complexion and eye colour!

20. A Fabulous Ponytail – Simplistic and Modern

Create your hairstyle with a crimper! Even if it’s a simple hairstyle, such as a ponytail, how about you curl some strands of hair, in order to give it a fun and unique appearance? There are several ways you can play around with crimping your hair, this is just one easy idea!


Of course, these are just a few crimped wavy hair ideas. Besides checking out our crimped hairstyles, make sure to browse through our other hairstyles, such as long hairstyles for women or hairstyles for curly hair!

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