Spooktacular DIY Dirt Cheap Halloween Décor Ideas


Do you remember the excitement and sense of wonder when moving into a new apartment? For me, Halloween always rekindles that emotion every time I try something fun and new this time of year. I’m not much of a do-over, I like subtle changes and themed colors, decorations. My motto never was to buy expensive Halloween décor and reuse it each year or throw the old out. I prefer these cheap alternatives and doing it myself. Let’s jump straight into it!

Starting things off with something I think everyone has an abundance of, water gallons. To pull this simple Gallon Jack-O-Lantern off, first just draw the faces with a sharpie pen. There’s a wide range of faces you can choose from, or you could make all of them the same shape. Criss-cross a hole in the back and just insert Christmas lights. Light it up after placing them down or on your stairs. It’s a ton of fun to do with kids as well!

These Eyeballs In a Tree are the perfect Halloween décor if you’re looking for something easy and cheesy! Buy a 24 in beach ball and a couple sharpie pens and let’s get to work! After that, outline the iris and the eyeballs, then fill it. It will be much faster if you use a large tip sharpie pen. Now, for the hardest part. Ask someone who can climb up the tree and then pass the ball to them. Be careful not to fall and enjoy the new looks!

Do you like eyeball Halloween décor?

For this amazing Eyeball Rose idea, you will need silk roses and a couple of wood balls. Paint the balls white with acrylic paint. For the irises, just find a picture and print it out. After gluing it to the balls, draw the blood vessels on the whites. It’s really simple! 🙂

This Eyeball Pop Cake really takes the craze to the next level. First prepare and chill crumble cakes. By the way, can alternatively use red velvet cake for the obvious red popout color, but you might need to use more coating if you do so. Pierce your cakes on lollipop sticks and dip in the melted chocolate coating. Let it stand about 4-5 inches deep until you think it’s enough. If the coating is too thick, just add some vinegar. Let it dry and just draw the eyes with edible sharpie pens (green, red and black).

The Witches Brooms are the easiest on this list that you can make! Just grab some old tree branches, dead weeds or tall grass. Next, just wrap the weeds and grass around the branches. You can also paint a punny sign to top it all off. 🙂

To make these Scary Portraits, just print out a couple family pictures on printer paper and cut them out. You can make the pictures seem older by brushing water-black paint mixture on it lightly. Then once dry, glue a piece of paper the same size to the back, let it dry. Cut out the eyes, then replace the original pictures with the new ones. Insert red LED Christmas lights, and secure the back of the frames (with duct tape if necessary.) Enjoy this amazing Halloween décor!

Talking about eyes, here’s another eye-catcher, the Glowing Eyes!

I’m not sorry for all these puns when all eyes are on me… OK, I’ll stop now. To make them, you’ll only need a couple toilet paper rolls and glow sticks. Next, it different shapes on the paper rolls, then just cover the end with duct tapes so the light won’t come out sideways. Put in bushes for best effect!

Transform your front door’s window into a Spiderweb in a few easy steps! Start with the long strips reaching the corners and the bottom of your window. Then add three more strips, dividing the whole thing into six sections. Start adding tape strips beginning from the center. Hot glue the fake spider and watch as trick-or-treaters jump out of their skin!

These Witchy Drink Bottles will make the party feel more Halloween-y. Get the free patterns here! After you have printed and cut them out, just cut a piece of Scotch tape and form a circle that sticks on both ends. Stick three or four on each and enjoy this amazing Halloween décor!

Put these Witch Boots in your entrance and surprise anyone that sees it! Then just place a plastic foam ball inside a pair of black boots, then dry stalks of wheat. It will be a warning sign to everyone that a witch is here, and is not afraid to hide it!

Thank you for reading our article: Spooktacular DIY Dirt Cheap Halloween Décor Ideas!
If you liked it, make sure to follow and pin us on Pinterest and check out our other amazing Halloween ideas! 🙂
Have a wonderful Halloween!

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