Discover 10 Cute Flip Flops Ideas For Under $5


Summertime is around the corner again, so we can wear our cute flip flops with shorts, and crop tops. There is no doubt that flip flops have been choice footwear for summer enjoyment. The rubber soles prevent foot burning, what’s more, the open tops allow feet to breathe in the hot temperatures. But you can make them even cooler with the following 10 DIY ideas!

Beaded Flip Flop Straps

Everyone knows that flip flops are comfortable but if you have cheap ones, they are not very fashionable. That’s why it’s time to make them prettier! Check out this tutorial if you would like to have beautiful beaded flip flops in summer.

Project Details: trinketsinbloom

“Beach” Sandals

A no-sew project and create a relaxed flip flop that looks like it just walked off a beach. Because really, that is where I wished I just walked off of.

Project Details: themotherhuddle

Discover 10 Cute Flip Flops Ideas For Under $5
T-Shirt Thread Straps

Grab some “T-shirt yarn” and separate them into smaller straps. You will see that this material is really comfortable. Be creative and remake the straps with the braided cloth. You will adore it!

Project Details: bywilma


Gladiator Flip Flops

“Gladiator wrap” is getting more and more popular nowadays so don’t miss the following idea! Anyway, you don’t need to spend $75 on special sandals like these. You just need a pair of flip flops, a summer scarf, and a DIY spirit!

Project Details: misskristurner

Bow Flip Flops

This is the easiest project out of all of the ones listed above. All you need is a little bit of matching ribbon, the shoes, and some hot glue. Project Details: swellmayde

DIY Flip Flop Ideas

There are many more new ideas for your flip flops! You can create your own designs so you will have the most awesome flip flops in the summer.

Check out the website here: diy-enthusiasts

Discover 10 Cute Flip Flops Ideas For Under $5
Buttoned Straps

Purple flip flops are fun, but purple buttons are even more fun! What do you think?

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Scarf Straps

Just wrap colourful scarves around the straps, and leave some extra at the end. You can fasten the extra material on your ankle to make it look really good!

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Beaded Straps

This is the same basic idea with the buttons, but you do it with beads.

Project details:

Chained Straps

Cut out a portion of the straps and replace it with a chain! If you have special tools, you can really make this look good. Just discover more and more possibilities!

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