
A golden wedding is no other than the 50th wedding anniversary. Being together with your husband or wife for 50 years is a huge achievement! 50 years is an incredibly long amount of time so if you have reached that point in your marriage, then it is time to celebrate it! Getting ready for a golden anniversary takes a lot of preparation! Finding the right venue or the best decoration is only a few of the things you need to pay attention to. Another big factor which you will want to be perfect is the invitations. The cards will give your guests the first impression of what the atmosphere or vibes will be like at the celebration. Look through our pick of 25 golden wedding invitations. Hopefully, you will be able to find a bit of inspiration!


1. Gorgeous Laser-cut Invitation – An Elegant Look

Are you in search of a truly gorgeous and refined invitation card for your golden anniversary? Using the laser-cut technique for cards is growing more and more popular. Which is not a surprise at all, since they look amazing! So, if you are going for a more elegant and sophisticated theme, why not try out the laser-cut technique on your invitation cards?

2. Sealed with Wax – A Rustic Vibe

Take your invitations up a notch! Perhaps you are planning a golden wedding, that is more on the rustic side of things. An amazing way of expressing this vibe is by closing the invitation with a wax seal. Since we are talking about a golden wedding, use golden coloured wax for the seal. Tie a string of lace or a ribbon around the card as well, to give it a more elegant look. The rest is up to you, on how you would like to decorate it further!

2. Before and Now – Fifty Years of Love

Fifty years might seem like a long period of time, but in truth, it flies by very quickly. A lot of things change, but if you have reached your 50th wedding anniversary, it seems that one thing has stayed stable over the years. Why not create a golden anniversary invitation that contains a picture of what you and your partner looked like at the beginning of your marriage? This can cover one side of the invitation, while on the other side you can print a picture of what the two of you look like now! This invitation card will create a lovely effect!

4. Beautiful Handmade Paper – Dipped in Golden Leaf

Your golden anniversary is a milestone in your life! When creating invitations for your guests, remember that your cards need to reflect the goldenness of your wedding anniversary. Don’t be afraid to go bold with the gold! An awesome way of decorating cards is by using golden leaves. Stick some onto each invitation’s edges, creating a beautiful look. If you would also like a more rustic effect for your cards, how about you consider using handmade paper? The handmade paper will give your invitations a sense of uniqueness!

5. Gold and Glittery – Golden Wedding Invitation Ideas

Gold is a colour which sparkles and shines, making it perfect for invitations for a huge event in your life, such as your 50th anniversary! A creative and decorative way to design your cards involves using the same sort of glitter, not only on the invitations but on the insides of the envelopes as well. Your guests will be blown away upon receiving and opening this invitation. When they open the envelope rays of golden glitter will surprise them.

6. Beautiful Seal Ideas – Decorating Your Invitations

We have mentioned using wax to seal your invitation. Place all your cards into a pile, before tying them together with a golden ribbon. Then pour a golden coloured wax over the ribbon to keep it in place. It’s up to you on what you’d like to press into the wax, whether it’s a symbol of your love, the number fifty or your initials, anything linked or related to you will be perfect!

7. Pictures from Long Ago – A Trip Down Nostalgia Lane

Here’s a fantastic card idea for anyone who wants to use a picture from the past! If you have an old polaroid which was made on the day of your wedding, make sure to use it on one of your cards. You can write a message in the small white box underneath the picture, such as “golden anniversary.” This is a great way of taking your guests a trip down memory lane, allowing them to see what you looked like fifty years ago. Of course, place another card in the envelope, which contains all the details of the golden anniversary. For example, where and when it is going to be held at.

8. Earthy and Natural – Golden Anniversary Card Ideas

If you are going to be hosting a rustic golden anniversary party, make sure that your invitation cards give off the same atmosphere. Besides using elements of gold, for example, the text can be written in gold, make sure that the card contains rustic and natural elements. You can try using vines or branches as decor on your card. For example, draw two birds sitting next to each other on a tree branch, giving your whole invitation a lovely vibe.

9. Rethinking Cake Lace – Cheap Golden Wedding Invitations

Are you in search of a more inexpensive invitation card, which you can make by yourself at home? Lace is a beautiful decorative element, which is able to take anything to the next level. Using a laser-cut technique on paper is quite expensive though, so if you don’t want to spend a lot of money on your invitation cards, resort to a cheaper option. Cake lace is something we normally place underneath cakes, but why not consider using it as the front page for your cards? It will provide an elegant and refined effect. All you need to do is cut a cake lace in half and place the wings on each side.

10. The Big Fifty – A Huge Milestone

Here is a bold yet simple way to decorate your golden anniversary invitations! Cut out the shape of a gold-coloured 50, and stick it on each card. Cut golden ribbons for each card. Create bows out of the ribbons and stick it on the invitations. While this might look a bit simple, the golden colour truly shines through, making it obvious for your guests what the event is going to be about.

11. Golden Card and Envelope – Perfect for a 50th Anniversary

Make sure your envelope matches the style and design of the invitation card! If your card is going to be decorating in layers of glittery gold, make sure the inside of your envelope is also coated in this shimmery colour. You can draw and decorate the cards in simple decorations, creating a fancy effect. You can also try writing the invitation in calligraphic handwriting, just to boost the whole elegance of the card.

12. Simple and Divine – Golden Wedding Invitations

Here’s a simple yet beautiful template for anyone who prefers a more simplistic invitation. Have a golden frame surrounding the information on the card, with a ribbon strung across it. Make sure your card contains all the important details about the location and time of your golden wedding!

13. Fluttering Butterflies – Cute Ideas for Your Invitations

Create a golden anniversary invitation, which incorporates a few elements of nature. For example, you can have small floral prints decorating the card itself. Then cut out butterflies out of golden or white coloured paper, folding them in half before pinning them on the card, to create a three-dimensional effect. To further decorate the card, you can attach a golden ribbon to the front as well, as well as the number fifty.

14. Minimalistic and Beautiful – Layers of Gold

A golden wedding means using a lot of gold decorative factors. Make sure your invitation cards use a tonne of these gold factors as well. If you are going for a more minimalistic style at the celebration, make sure to use this same design on your cards. You can sew small beads or flitter on the card, to give it a more special glow. Don’t forget to cut out a big 50 out of gold-coloured paper and stick it on the front of the card.

15. Elegant Flowers – Frame Them in Gold

Here’s a gorgeous way of decorating a card for your golden wedding invitations. Outline the edges of the card with a golden, glittering frame. Cut out flowers out of paper, adding some shade or colour to the petals, for a more realistic look. You can also create the stems and leaves out of gold foil or golden paper. If you’d like to, you can add a golden butterfly to the front of the card as well.

16. A Vintage Vibe – Golden Anniversary Celebration

Show your guests a picture of the two of you on your wedding day on your invitation cards! A wedding picture which taken fifty years ago will be a beautiful photo for your guests to see! The best thing about it will be the fact that the love you had for each other all those years ago still remains and is still a strong bond between the two of you!

17. Simple and Sophisticated – A Combination of Silver and Gold

While you celebrated your silver anniversary 25 years ago, it’s time to celebrate your fifty years of marriage with your golden anniversary. How about you combine both colours in an invitation, as they are both relevant to the upcoming celebration. You can create a small banner for the front page of your invitation, out of silver and gold paper with the number 50 written on the banner itself. This will look simple and sophisticated!

18. Flowers and a Bow – Golden Wedding Invitation Cards

Here is a beautiful invitation card idea, which will be perfect for asking your friends and family to gather together for your golden wedding. Decorate half of the card in curling vines and scattered flowers. Leave the other half white and simple. Connect the two halves with a big golden ribbon formed into a bow. Then cut out the number fifty out of gold and place it on the white half of the card.

19. A Heart of Gold – Detailed and Immaculate

Is there anything more beautiful or better to symbolise fifty years of marriage and love, than a big golden heart on the front of your invitation cards? Cut out a heart, with a lot of twisting branches and leaves intertwining on it. You should try finding a thicker piece of paper, and coating it in gold glitter. Further decorate it with a big gold ribbon, to give everyone a clear image of a golden anniversary.

20. Two Hearts – Still Beating Together

Your and your spouse’s hearts have been beating together for fifty years now. Cut out two hearts out of golden-coloured paper and placed on the front page of the invitation card. You can also choose to have the big number 50 written on another part of the card. Depending on what style you choose, you can decorate and design this card in a rustic way or a modern theme! It’s up to you!

21. A Cute Card – Modern Hearts

If you like the idea of two hearts appearing on your golden wedding’s invitations, then check out this idea! One gold and one white heart which are connected to each other is placed on a card. You can find decorative cards to place these hearts on, to make it look truly perfect!

22. Pretty in Grey – Front Page Ideas

Another idea you can use which includes hearts is to create two for the front page, covering up the details about the celebration. Tie the hearts together with the help of a ribbon. You can use a different colour than gold, for example, a deeper beige or grey. These colours will help make your invitation look more elegant!

23. Refined Foiled Invitation – Golden Anniversary Cards

Foiled invitations are becoming more and more popular nowadays, as they give any sort of invitation a more elegant look! Place a foiled sheet above the card itself. Write the names of the spouses, who have been married for fifty years, on the foiled sheet.

24. Botanic and Floral Theme – A Natural Look


Are you planning on decorating the whole venue of your golden anniversary with flowers and plants? Or maybe you will be holding it outdoors in nature? Make sure your invitations give your guests a glimpse of what they can expect at the party. How about having a floral wreath painted with watercolours around the details of the anniversary? This will look fabulous!

25. Gold Leaves – Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary Invitations

Keep your invitations simple and natural, if your anniversary is going to be set in an earthy environment. A simple and sophisticated way you can decorate your invitations is by surrounding the details of the wedding in the foliage of golden leaves.


There are hundreds of ways you can decorate your golden anniversary’s invitation cards. We trust that the ideas we collected will also help inspire you! If you are in search of other cards, for example, wedding invitation cards, just check out our website!

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