
Learn More About One Of The Most Creative Fruit Cakes You Have Ever Seen


If you love making special fruit cakes, cookies and another kind of desserts, this article is for you! Discover a brand-new project, which is full of creativity and can make you laugh. What’s more, if you would like to joke someone, you should definitely learn more about the topic!

A beautiful human and artist extraordinaire Christine H. McConnell is at it again with a new project, and this time, it’s delicious.

Christine McConnell is well-known for being one of those talented people who can create anything from elaborate costume designs to holiday decor. The artist’s pieces involving food are among her most popular, and for her latest project, Christine decided to turn fruitcake into something unique. The best thing is that we can all get behind with a far more literal take on the treat.

Do you like fruit? Well, many people rather choose a cake than eating some fresh fruit. Do you know this feeling?
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And she totally feels me, since all of the gorgeous fruit in this basket is actually filled with frosting-covered goodness.
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At first glance, these masterpieces just look like ordinary fruit, but if you have a closer look, you will realize that they aren’t real! All of them are fruit cakes!
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McConnell calls it the April Fools Fruit Basket, and I’m pretty sure that this is a prank to which anyone would gladly fall victim. Don’t get worried, you can always use this little trick, not just on 1st April.
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I would love to leave this out on my kitchen counter to fool people into thinking that I’m juicing.
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Let’s learn more about Christine H. McConnell’s work, and be sure to check out her website. Follow her on Instagram for regular updates! She always has awesome ideas, don’t miss them!
fruit cakes

Thank you for reading our article of “Learn More About One Of The Most Creative Fruit Cakes You Have Ever Seen”!
