1st Birthday Gift Ideas for Girls – 20 First Birthday Presents for Girls

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A baby turning one is an amazing experience! They reach the first milestone in their life. It’s incredible to witness the first year of their life. They are constantly growing and learning new things, not to mention becoming more familiar with the world itself day by day. When a baby girl turns one year old, they probably won’t have any memories of this big day, but you still might find it important to get her something special, that she will treasure in the years to come. It might be a bit hard to decide on what to get or make her since she’s still a baby, but don’t worry that’s why we are here! We have gathered 20 1st birthday gift ideas for girls, to help you find her an awesome present! So look through our array of the first birthday presents for girls for a bit of inspiration!


1. A Beautiful Birthday Cake – Scrumptious Goodness

Are you thinking about throwing the one-year-old a super fun birthday party? Well, a birthday cake at a birthday party is a necessity! Since you are celebrating the birthday of a girl, you might consider decorating the cake with pink fondant or buttercream. You can also stick a message or a number into the cake itself, expressing how old she has turned. Whatever the cake looks like, we’re sure the baby girl will be happy to taste a slice of cake!

2. The First Memories – Of the First Year

If you’ve been thinking about creating something more personal with some sentimental value, why not make a collage for the baby girl? On a sheet of paper draw a big number one, and cover it with photos of the one-year-old’s first year of life. This should form a number one, which you can place in a frame, making it a present which the child will be able to look at and admire in later years. You can write messages to her around the collage itself.

3. A Cute Photo Series – First Birthday Presents for Girls

There’s nothing better you can give a child than a memory. Of course, these memories will mean much more in the years to come than in the present. Take a photo series of the one-year-old, in each picture he or she should be holding up a letter of “one.” Put the pictures together at the end, and it will be easy to guess for anyone at how old they have turned!

4. A Hot Air Balloon – A Flying First Year

Give the one-year-old girl an amazing experience on their first birthday! Make her a hot air balloon. Naturally, we aren’t talking about the actual contraptions. All you need to do is decorate a basket, in which the child will be able to fit in. You can place a piece of burlap on the basket that has the number one written on it. Then attach some helium-filled balloons to the basket, giving it a hot air balloon vibe! While this basket won’t actually lift up into the sky, it will still be an awesome experience! You can take a small photoshoot of her, while she sits in the basket!


5. Decorating the Party – 1st Birthday Gift Ideas for Girls

Are you going to be hosting a birthday party for the one-year-old girl? Make sure to decorate the party venue with all the right ornaments! There are a wide variety of decoration ideas to choose from, but something you should definitely stick to is banners! You can write up the name of the baby girl as well as the age she turned. Depending on what colours you are using for the rest of the decorations, make sure to make the banners match them!

6. A Timeline Photo Series – Cute Ideas for Her

Another great way of storing memories for later on in life is by creating a timeline for the baby girl. Hang down photos from strings, marking them with numbers at how many months old they were on each picture. This timeline of pictures will show how much fun they had in their first year of life and how much they changed during a short while! This is just one of many great 1st birthday gift ideas for girls!

7. A Birthday Outfit – Dressed to Impress

If you’re not sure what to get a one-year-old girl for her birthday, you might consider buying her a cute outfit for her birthday party! According to what sort of things she likes, you might get her an animal jumpsuit, a princess dress, fairy clothes or this super cute outfit with a tutu! If you like the tutu idea, get her a t-shirt as well, which has the word “one” printed on it at the front. You can also make her a small crown, representing her as the celebrant of the party.

8. A Hand and Foot Plaster Cast – A Beautiful Memory

Here’s another one, of many, great first birthday presents for girls. If you would like to give the child a memory instead of something material, use her as inspiration! You can create a plaster cast of her foot and hand and place it in a frame. Plaster casts are quite simple to create, so if you’re in doubt, just go online to find a DIY tutorial as there are hundreds! It’s also a great idea because this small craft creates a memory and moment in time, which the one-year-old will be able to look back at and see how small they were in the very beginning!


9. Sweet as a Peach – First Birthday Presents for Girls

There’s an awesome style, in which to decorate the one-year-old girl’s birthday party. It’s known as the “sweet as a peach” theme. Use shades of pink and peach for the overall colours at the party venue and make sure to use rustic themed decor. You can give your guests some thank-you gifts for being there to celebrate the baby girl’s first birthday, for example, peach jam in small jars.

10. Blackboard Photo Ideas – First Birthday Gifts for Girls

Maybe you’d like to organise a small photoshoot for the one-year-old girl’s birthday, just to put away some of the pictures as memories for her to look at later on in life. You can try using a blackboard as a prop in some of the pictures. Have the baby girl hold the blackboard with the message “it’s my birthday” or the number one written on it. You can put this in a frame or album making it an everlasting memory.

11. A Few Fun Facts About Her – Birthday Gift Ideas for Girls

What better gift is there to get a one-year-old girl, than a list of facts about her first year of life? Besides writing up the basic facts, about what time she was born and how big she was, write up when she first laughed or crawled, what her favourite food is or what games she likes to play the best. Decorate this list of facts with small drawings and patterns, later placing it in a frame. The baby girl will be thankful for this present after she grows somewhat older and has the chance to learn tiny tidbits about her first stage of life.

12. Tutu Highchair – Best Presents for One-year-old Girls

Becoming one means you are going to be able to do a lot more things than before! More crawling and slowly learning how to walk and talk are just a few of the things you will be able to master after one year of life. Being one also means getting closer to eat as the adults do! Buy the baby girl a highchair for her birthday, decorating it with a tutu and some artificial flowers. This way she will be able to join the rest of the family for meals.

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