Health & Care

10 Simple Organic Skin Care Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup


Natural beauty has always been in trend, but nowadays we often spend too much time putting makeup on and getting the perfect look. Let’s choose naturalness and find your real beauty. The following 10 organic skin care rules and beauty tips will help you to look great and make you feel awesome in your skin. 

10 Simple Organic Skin Care Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup

1. Make your eyebrows look perfect

When there’s no makeup on you, your eyebrows will become the center of attention. So try to always shape your eyebrows for your face shape. It’s just a simple golden rule.
Did you know that a mixture of castor oil and vitamin A can transform your eyebrows? So if you are dreaming of thick brows, try out this natural beauty trick!
Of course, you can dye them too, but be careful that it should match your hair color.

10 Simple Organic Skin Care Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup


2. Accentuate your eyes

Just curl your eyelashes with an eyelash curler to make you look “wider” and charming. We can’t stand those dark circles under the eyes, am I right? First, it’s really important to reconsider your diet because these circles can be the signs of deficiency of iron or B vitamins in your body. In addition, mint or green tea is very useful as well.

10 Simple Organic Skin Care Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup, skin care


3. Whiten your teeth

Everyone knows that a bright smile adds 100 points to any image. But how can you get beautiful white teeth? Always wash your teeth after drinking coffee or wine and if you have a healthy diet, your teeth will be whiter as well! What’s more, don’t forget to visit your dentist 1-2 times a year!

10 Simple Organic Skin Care Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup, white teeth


4. Don’t forget about your lips

Nutrition, moisturizing is really important for your lips as well. Lip balms can be replaced with olive oil or any other oil. Many women use honey to avoid dry lips.

10 Simple Organic Skin Care Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup, lip care

5. Take care of your hair

Choose simple hair styles and natural colors and try to avoid drastic options. If you would like to add some natural shine to your hair, use coconut oil. Furthermore, boiled herbal extracts, for example, sage, chamomile can also make your hair healthy.

10 Simple Organic Skin Care Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup, hair care

6. Use sunscreen

Be careful with ultraviolet radiation because it increases the appearance of premature wrinkles, not to mention the fact that it can also lead to skin cancer. When we are young, we don’t care about using sun creams, but later we will regret this mistake. Products with SPF can be used throughout the year, too.

10 Simple Organic Skin Care Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup, skin care

7. Focus on your skin

According to cosmetologists, we shouldn’t wash our face more than 2 times a day. The most important thing is not to rub your skin too much. Making face masks is always a good idea.

10 Simple Organic Skin Care Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup, skin care


8. Get enough sleep

The truth is that you can’t keep your skin in perfect condition if you don’t sleep enough (7-9 hours). What is more, going to bed by 11 pm is also very important because after midnight the body starts to produce one of the main “beauty hormones” — melatonin.

10 Simple Organic Skin Care Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup, sleep enough


9. Reconsider your diet

There is a direct connection between the condition of our skin and the food we eat.
What are the most important foods we should definitely eat?
They are oily marine fish, vegetable oils, seeds, nuts and dairy products.

You are what you eat…

10 Simple Organic Skin Care Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup, healthy diet


10. Find your own color

You will look more beautiful and shine all day if you can correctly choose the color of your clothes. I mean, be careful with white and darks as well. It is said that the best ones are pure bright colors: blue, turquoise, emerald, peach.

10 Simple Organic Skin Care Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup

Thank you for reading “10 Simple Organic Skin Care Rules for Looking Great Without Makeup”! How do you feel now? Always remember: you are beautiful! Just find your natural beauty and harmony.
