
Ten Easy Ways to Design Your Own Kitchen in Less Than an Hour


I adore DIY projects that require few materials, skills and time. The way I see it, women usually spend more time in the kitchen than men. So it’s time to make this room a better place which is full of unique tools. Let’s discover 10 easy ways to design your own kitchen and fill it with warmth, coziness and love!

Ten Easy Ways to Design Your Own Kitchen in Less Than an Hour
Design your own kitchen

Let’s add some color to your cutting boards

If you find your cutting boards a little bit boring in your kitchen, this DIY idea is absolutely for you! Spring is almost in the air so it is time to color-coding these kitchen utensils. Let’s make them awesome and what is more, you can easily differentiate between them. During this project you will need some special equipment, you can find the steps here.

Ten Easy Ways to Design Your Own Kitchen in Less Than an Hour, cutting boards

A spot of greenery

Let’s enliven your kitchen with some herbs. Creating a lovely herb garden in your kitchen will change your life: the smell of these fresh plants will improve your everyday life. If you would like to check out how to make it come true, click here.

Ten Easy Ways to Design Your Own Kitchen in Less Than an Hour, herb garden project

Say no for boring coasters

There is no doubt that adding some vibrancy to your coasters will bring uniqueness to your kitchen space. Grab some wooden or ceramic tiles, some craft paint, brushes and use your imagination during painting. Of course, you can discover patterns and designs in advance. At the end, don’t miss to finish your work with a gloss finish!

Ten Easy Ways to Design Your Own Kitchen in Less Than an Hour, coasters

What about turning some flowerpots into kitchen utensil holders?

Well, first it might sound a little bit weird, but why not? You probably have some flowerpots at home that you don’ use. If you add some color to them (such as decorating them with any kind of material, like paper, etc.), you can easily design your own kitchen within a few minutes.

Ten Easy Ways to Design Your Own Kitchen in Less Than an Hour, diy kitchen utensil holder

Decorate your ordinary trays with glass mosaic

The following instruction will help you in this DIY project!

Ten Easy Ways to Design Your Own Kitchen in Less Than an Hour, diy tray

Hang flowerpots in unusual places

Sometimes you don’t have to follow the rules. Believe it or not, a hanging flowerpot will look fantastic above your kitchen sink!

Ten Easy Ways to Design Your Own Kitchen in Less Than an Hour, flower pots

Happy cups and mugs project

Adding some color to your cups and mugs is always a good idea. You will need a mug/cup, nail polish, toothpicks and a container. First of all, fill your container halfway with hot water, then pour a few drops of nail polish into the water. Swirl the polish with the toothpick and dip your mug in the water. Don’t forget, you should be very fast! Finally, dry your awesome mug/cup and you are ready!

Ten Easy Ways to Design Your Own Kitchen in Less Than an Hour, diy marvel mugs

It is time to have unique towels in your kitchen

If you decide to turn your uninteresting-looking white towels into eye-catching ones, don’t miss the steps!

Ten Easy Ways to Design Your Own Kitchen in Less Than an Hour, kitchen towels


Find new uses for redundant wooden boards

Click here for more ideas.

Ten Easy Ways to Design Your Own Kitchen in Less Than an Hour, wooden boards

Transform cake baking forms into flowerpots

It is said that plants provide one of the easiest solutions for renovating your interior. Well, I think it is true. Just look at this picture below!

Ten Easy Ways to Design Your Own Kitchen in Less Than an Hour, flowerpots

Thank you for reading “Ten Easy Ways to Design Your Own Kitchen in Less Than an Hour “! Hopefully, you enjoyed all of these creative DIY ideas! Always remember: starting crafting at home is never too late!
