Genuinely Simple Crafts You Can Make Out Of An Old Tube For Potato Chips


If you love simple crafts, don’t hurry to throw away your empty chips cardboard tube when the chips are already eaten. You can always find a lot of creative ways to use anything in everyday life. Check out the best ideas that you can make at home on your own!


With a simple twist of the wrist, an empty chips tube turns into a decorative vase. Just decorate the outer side of your vase with any material that you like. What’s more, it can be a lovely gift as well.

A gift box
There is no doubt that an ordinary chips tube is perfect for wrapping some edible products, for example, cookies and candies, as well as for small and easily folded items.

Genuinely Simple Crafts You Can Make Out Of An Old Tube For Potato Chips
Pasta and cereal storage container

A long tube is designed for storing spaghetti, but you’re free to put whatever kind of pasta you want in it.


A DIY holder for cotton disks and plastic bags

By cutting a small rounded hole at the bottom of the tube, you’ll have a great holder for cotton disks. You will get a suitable container to store plastic bags if you make a small hole in the plastic lid. Simply clever!


This is a great idea for both parents and children.

A craft box

The empty tubes are extremely convenient for storing ribbons, straps, thick threads, twine rolls, and other creative stuff. If are fond of DIY crafts, you can’t miss this idea!

Genuinely Simple Crafts You Can Make Out Of An Old Tube For Potato Chips
A candle mold

The empty chip tubes can be filled with molten wax in any combinations and proportions to get some beautiful and colorful homemade candles.

A solar oven for cooking sausages

You just need some solar energy, empty chip tubes, and sausages, of course. It’s time for some scientific experiments!

A toy house

This could be a suitable base for a toy tower, or even for a castle!

Stationery stuff and knitting needles holder

This simple holder can be filled with pens, pencils, paint brushes, knitting needles, and other small or long things.

Thank you for reading our article of “Genuinely Simple Crafts You Can Make Out Of An Old Tube For Potato Chips”!

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