
Don’t Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas


Believe it or not, you can easily repurpose or refurbish your old windows in many different and creative ways. It is said that the eyes are considered to be the mirrors of the soul, the windows are considered to reflect the quality, beauty,and aesthetics of your house. So let’s check out the best DIY vintage decor ideas!

Turn Your Old Windows Into Lovely Keepsakes

You will soon realize that you can use your old house windows in countless different ways. For example, you can turn them into outstanding photo displays.

Project Details: cottageinstincts

A Chic Wreath Decoration

The best thing about this idea is that it does not require any major investment: just make sure that the glass is intact and the paint is scratched in a natural manner.

Project Credit and Tutorial: ouradventuresinhomeimprovement

Don't Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas

Lovely Window Table

Are you a coffee fan? Then don’t miss this craft project, just turn your old house window into an outstanding window table!

Project Credit and Tutorial: martysmusings

Don't Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas

A Fancy Window Chalkboard

There is no doubt that chalkboards are useful, especially for families with children. You can easily hang it in the living room or in the kitchen where you can write the daily menu.

Project Details: theshabbycreekcottage

Don't Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas

Don’t Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas
Cheap And Practical Jewellery Organizer

Here is another great idea that anybody can use without any trouble.

Project Details: kamigray

Don't Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas

Super Chic Picture Frames

All you need for these chic picture frames is some string, the classic frames and some good old conventional pictures that you will carefully hang in-between the strings!

Project Details: funkyjunkinteriors

Don't Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas

Basic But Appealing Bathroom Mirrors

If your bathroom is decorated in a traditional rustic manner and you want to stick to that, then what about paying attention to this great footboard towel rack?

Project Details: findinghomeonline

Don't Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas

DIY Antique Window Headboard

Headboards can be very expensive nowadays but fortunately, we have some alternative ideas. Check out the tutorial below and make your dream headboard come true!

Project Details: lizmarieblog

Don't Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas

Don’t Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas
Use Your Window Frames To Decorate Your Farmhouse Porch

Are you living on a farm or simply adore rustic decoration style? Learn more about this old window craft project where all you have to do is to dust and clean your frames. What’s more, you can add some scented candles, too.

Project Details: farmhouseporch

Don't Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas

Creatively Altered Window Frame

One thing is sure, this creatively altered window frame can be easily added to any room of your home, and will make it burst with colour, positivity, and livelihood!

Project Details: littlebirdiesecrets

Don't Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas

Creative Butterfly Window

Always remember that everybody needs a bit of magic in their lives.Here is a creative “Dream Big” butterfly window that will remind you of just how beautiful life can be.

Project Credit and Tutorial: prettyhandygirl

Don't Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas

Practical Post-It

If the chalkboard idea does not appeal to you, then you can opt for a rather similar use for your window panes – you can turn them into practical post-its!

Project Details: beyondthepicketfence

Don't Throw Away Your Old Windows, Just Discover These Vintage Decor Ideas

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