
Types of Automotive Paints You Can Choose From


Painting your car is the best decision that delivers beautiful color and gives your valuable asset a fresh appeal. However, you need to do it professionally as this protects the vehicle against damage and aggression.

Yes, you can call an expert to get the job done, but you can save a few coins by doing the job yourself. There are many types of automotive paints in the market for use in different vehicles.

However, the challenge comes in choosing the best paint for your car. In our discussion, we highlight the types of automotive paints you can choose from.

In addition, you’ll need several tools to use alongside the car paint. Read this article on Toolscue to get more information on what you need for the best results. Let’s get started.

Urethane Paint

The most popular car paint is urethane, which comes in different varieties and colors. Urethane comes with a lot of advantages that make it the most sought-after paint.

First, it’s resistant to external elements such as the sun. It protects your car against the harmful ultraviolet sun rays. In addition, it can withstand fading even after exposure to the sun for many years.

It does not chip or show early signs of deterioration or cracks. Indeed, it provides your car with a unique color that will last many years.

Urethane is an expensive paint when compared to other types such as enamel and lacquer. However, it’s of high-quality and can even last for over 10 years.

Due to the long-lasting characteristics, we highly recommend it if you’re looking to add value to your vehicle. Also, it brings out the elegance and adds some shine to your car.

Another advantage of urethane is that it doesn’t react with other types of paint. For instance, you can apply it over lacquer, and it dries very fast. It has an agent that makes the paint dry quickly; therefore, after mixing, you need to apply it immediately.

Whereas drying fast is an advantage of this paint, the included chemical elements make it highly toxic. While it’s one of the best paints, it’s essential to wear protective clothing such as eye goggles, a respirator, and a painter’s suit.

This type of paint has both qualities of enamel and lacquer paints in that it’s easy to apply and durable. It requires a two-stage application where the first step is to apply the paint, followed by a clear coat for a gloss finish.

The urethane paint has a color element that enables the paint to maintain consistency on the spray gun. Lastly, urethane is not a beginner’s paint, and it’s imperative to get a professional to do the job.

Lacquer Paint

Lacquer is an example of acrylic paint that has been around for close to 100 years. However, it’s not permitted in some places; therefore, it’s important to check whether your country allows it before you buy. The primary advantage of lacquer is that it’s cheaper than urethane and is easily accessible.

In addition, it’s easy to apply and the best choice for beginners with no experience. After application, you’ll achieve a high-quality gloss on your car. When choosing paint, you’ll want to get one that will dry fast, especially if there’s limited space in your garage. Luckily, lacquer paint dries very fast after application.

Although it has some positives, there are some downsides to using lacquer paint. You may need several applications of up to eight coats to complete your project. After that, you will need to wait for several weeks before polishing your car.

It’s a soft paint that does not last for many years. It can wear off very fast when exposed to harmful UV rays and chemicals. Also, it’s likely to fade quickly because of the adverse effects of the weather.

Another disadvantage of this paint is that it requires a sprayer as you cannot apply it directly to the vehicle. After that, it requires care and maintenance for ample protection.


Enamel is a long-lasting paint that forms a hardcover upon application. This type of paint requires professional application as it bakes on your car. It comes in two versions and requires a stepwise application.

The first version is the clear topcoat or the two-stage system, while the other is a single-stage application. Enamel paints require a lot of finishing work since there’s a need for a clear coat.

Metallic Paint

Another example of car paint is the metallic paint mostly used on a sports car to deliver a glossy appeal. The primary advantage of this paint is that it gives your car a shiny finish and hides any blemish on the surface.

Metallic paint is popular among individuals wishing to resell their vehicles as it gives the car a brand-new appeal. The downside of this paint is that it gets complicated to patch-up after a scratch. Also, it’s available in a few color choices and costs more than standard paints.


Matte paint is also an automotive paint that enhances the appeal of your vehicle and gives it a superior appeal. It’s a modern trend and popular with luxury vehicles such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and sports cars.

Unlike the normal paints that deliver a glossy appeal to your car, the matte offers a new and elegant finish. It ensures the vehicle has a smooth surface that looks stylish in different weather conditions. The disadvantage of this paint is that it requires a lot of care and maintenance. Also, it’s more expensive than most car paints.


It’s no doubt that repainting your automotive is vital to maintain its appeal and protect the resale value. However, they are many types of automotive paints you can choose from.

From the discussion, the type of paint will depend on several considerations such as budget and quality. If you’re looking to spend less, you can choose lacquer paint. For quality, enamel and urethane are the best options. With luxury cars, you can choose matte and metallic paints.
